Search results for: kubernetes

Missed KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024? Here’s everything you need to know

Posted on March 28, 2024

Over 12,000 people joined us in Paris for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 and while we talked about everything from artificial intelligence to sustainable computing, the biggest takeaway was the incredible power of community. The community made Kubernetes…

CNCF On demand webinar: Introducing the BACK Stack!

Posted on March 28, 2024

Kubernetes is a platform, and it is often employed to create an Internal Developer Platform (IDP) that removes operational complexities and provides secure self-service opportunities for developers. In this session, Boris Kurktcheiv will introduce the BACK Stack, a…

CNCF On demand webinar: About the Istio certification exam

Posted on March 28, 2024

Did you know that the Istio project has not only become a graduated CNCF project in the past year, but that it now also has a formal CNCF certification exam? In this talk, Eitan Suez from Tetrate will…

CNCF On demand webinar: Honey, I’ve secured your boot

Posted on March 28, 2024

To protect the vital workloads and data that run on your edge compute devices, you need to start by securing those devices when they’re at their most vulnerable — the moment they boot up. If an attacker can…

Workflow automation & pipeline portability with AI-driven DevEx

Posted on March 27, 2024 | By Abhilash A

Member post originally published on Ozone’s blog by Abhilash A, Product Marketing at Ozone.  What’s the Deal with DevEx? Crack the Code: Ever wondered about developer experience, a.k .a. DevEx? Well, it’s the whole shebang – the vibe, the…

Cloud Native Live: Rapid GoLang prototyping with KubeFox Virtual Environments and Hasura

Posted on March 27, 2024

This is a hands-on, code-along-with-us introduction to KubeFox Virtual Environments (VEs) withGoLang and Hasura. In under an hour, you’ll work with a test application in Kubernetes that hasmultiple backends, see how KubeFox enables developers to rapidly prototype, test…

The KCD Italy 2024 logo: a slice of cloud native harmony

Posted on March 26, 2024 | By KCD Italy Team

 KCD post by the KCD Italy Team The Call for Harmonization The Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) Italy, a vibrant event supported by the CNCF, is back with a fresh twist. In 2024, the CNCF and the Linux Foundation…

The Stack: “How a platform focus helped Deutsche Bahn”

Posted on March 26, 2024

Following a race to the cloud by German railway operator Deutsche Bahn in 2016, it was the “grassroots” that ultimately fostered a platform engineering approach with Kubernetes at its heart as its sought to optimize its systems.

Cloud Native Live: Securing Your Cluster with Cilium Network Policies

Posted on March 26, 2024

Securing your Kubernetes cluster is becoming increasingly important and network policies are a common first place to start. In this tutorial, we will discuss the differences between Kubernetes Network Policies and Cliium Network Policies. Then we will show… “Kubecon & CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 : les dernières annonces”

Posted on March 25, 2024

Lors du dernier keynote de Kubecon 2024 et CloudNativeCon Europe, qui se tenait vendredi dernier à Paris, Chris Anisczcyk, le CTO de la Fondation Linux a évoqué l’histoire de Kubernetes, qui fête ses 10 ans cette année. L’occasion de se…