Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces the 2024 Community Awards Winners
Since 2016, these awards celebrate the incredible community members who make the cloud native ecosystem thrive Salt Lake City, UT. – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 – November 14, 2024 – The Cloud Native Computing…
CNCF Presents Top End User Award to Adobe
A global digital media and marketing solutions leader has contributed to 46 CNCF projects and shared a reference architecture for its Internal Developer Platform SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America – November…
CNCF’s End User Technical Advisory Board has compiled new materials to promote best practices and simplify the adoption of cloud native technologies SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America – November 14, 2024…
Virtualization Review: “KubeCon 2024 Day 1: Field Notes and Cloud-Native Storage”
KubeCon, the premier Kubernetes (K8s) conference, is being held this week (Nov. 12-15) in Salt Lake City. In this article, I will highlight my experience on the first day of the event.
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 day one: keynotes, sessions, announcements, and more
More than 9,000 people convened at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City for the first day of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America. The mood was energetic and lively and the audience was primed…
LitmusChaos gains adoption in lower environments
Project post from the LitmusChaos CommunityAs enterprises continue to scale their systems, resilience and stability remain crucial. Testing these under real-world failure scenarios without impacting production environments is essential. Over recent months, LitmusChaos has gained remarkable…
Announcing the Cloud Native Heroes Challenge
Today at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America 2024, CNCF announced the Cloud Native Heroes Challenge, a patent troll bounty program in which cloud native developers and technologists can earn swag and win prizes by helping protect our ecosystem…
Announcing the inaugural contest for the Cloud Native Heroes Challenge
We’re thrilled to share the details of the inaugural contest in our Cloud Native Heroes Challenge program, a series of crowdsourced “prior art” contests in which cloud native developers can earn swag and prizes by helping…
Announcing the release of KubeVirt v1.4
Project post from the Kubevirt Community The KubeVirt Community is proud to announce the release of v1.4. This release aligns with Kubernetes v1.31 and is the sixth KubeVirt release to follow the Kubernetes release cadence. What’s…
Kyverno Certified Associate (KCA)
Position yourself as an expert in managing and securing Kubernetes environments. Kyverno expertise shows you understand the advanced aspects of cloud management and security, one of today’s most in-demand skill sets. Cost $250 | Online Exam…