Search results for: kubernetes

From IP to identity: making cattle out of pets in cloud native

Posted on July 24, 2023

Community post by Bill Mulligan From one bit modifying the next to frontend talking to backend, IT is fundamentally about identity, who is talking to what and what is the outcome of their interaction. This concept of identity…

Flux Announces GA of v2!

Posted on July 20, 2023

The Flux project is thrilled to announce the general availability (GA) release of Flux v2.  Flux’s move to general availability represents a significant milestone in the CNCF ecosystem. This progression not only exemplifies the CNCF’s commitment to the…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Graduation of CRI-O

Posted on July 19, 2023

The Kubernetes Container Runtime provides users with a simple, clear, and performant container manager for cloud native workloads  SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – July 19, 2023 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud…

Building resilience with Chaos Engineering and Litmus

Posted on July 19, 2023 | By Ruturaj Kadikar

Member post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Ruturaj Kadikar Microservices architecture is a popular choice for businesses today due to its scalability, agility, and continuous delivery. However, microservices architectures are not immune to outages. Outages can…

Using Kyverno with Pod Security Admission

Posted on July 18, 2023

Guest post originally published on the Kyverno blog by Kyverno Maintainers Using Pod Security Admission with Kyverno for the best of both worlds. Pod Security Admission (PSA) is the built-in successor to Kubernetes PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) and is enabled by default starting…

Plaid: pain-free deployments at global scale

Posted on July 17, 2023

By Mark Robinson, Infrastructure Engineer, Plaid How to let hundreds of deployments every day work without tears Plaid is the engine behind the world’s most successful fintech applications, supporting over 10,000 banks globally. To achieve that, our engineering…

Nancy Chauhan – Championing Women in Cloud Native

Posted on July 17, 2023

How do you not feel isolated when you’re the only woman in a room full of men? Nancy Chauhan, an engineer currently working at LocalStack, who likes hacking through software engineering problems, is on a mission to bring…

KubeDay Israel 2023

Posted on July 17, 2023

KubeDay events connect international and local experts in global cities with adopters, developers, and practitioners to promote face-to-face collaboration and deliver rich educational experiences. This new event series is hosted by CNCF and targeted toward specific geographical regions…

Datanami: “Istio Now Ready for Primetime as Service Mesh”

Posted on July 15, 2023

Istio–the service mesh layer that standardizes observability, security, and traffic management for Kubernetes-based microservices environments–has graduated from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and is ready for production usage, the CNCF announced this week.

Knative fuzzing audit results

Posted on July 14, 2023

Project post originally published on the Knative blog by Adam Korczynski, Ada Logics Knative is happy to announce the completion of its fuzzing security audit. The audit was carried out by Ada Logics and is part of an initiative…