Adriana Villela – Blogging and podcasting her way to cloud native enlightenment
Throughout her career, Adriana Villela, senior developer advocate at Lightstep from ServiceNow, has experienced the power of communication and community for solving big challenges at work and outside of it. Today, through her blog, co-hosting the…
How DeFacto migrated to an event-driven architecture leveraging Dapr DeFacto is a fashion retail company that operates across 33 countries with over 500 stores. The company develops all the applications for its core retail business in-house,…
CNCF’s KubeDay celebrates Israeli cloud native innovation
Ambassador post originally posted on Medium by Dotan Horovits, CNCF Ambassador The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), recently organized its second-ever KubeDay worldwide, which was held in Israel. Taking place in Tel Aviv in June 2023, this…
Reflexionando sobre el KCD Colombia 2023
Ambassador post originally published on LinkedIn by Angel Ramirez, CEO at Cuemby, Founder at FHCN, and a CNCF Ambassador Impulsando la Tecnología, Emprendimiento e Innovación a travéz de la Diversidad, Inclusión, y Empoderamiento en la Comunidad…
MLOps for beginners: getting started with MLOps
Ambassador post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Atulpriya Sharma, CNCF Ambassador, Sr. Developer Advocate, InfraCloud Technologies Machine Learning (ML) has revolutionized various industries by enabling data-driven decision-making along with the automation of certain tasks….
Deploying Linkerd in the Cloud: Azure, AWS, or GCP
Guest post originally published on Buoyant’s blog by Michael Levan As discussed in my introduction to Linkerd, service meshes provide important, powerful security, reliability, and observability features. And although many engineers shy away from implementing a service…
The Italian translation of the TAG Security White Paper v2 is ready!
Community post by Annalisa Gennaro, SparkFabrik What is TAG Security The CNCF Security Technical Advisory Group (TAG-Security) facilitates collaboration to discover and produce resources that enable secure access, policy control, and safety for operators, administrators, developers,…
Cloud Native Live: What’s new in Kyverno!
Kyverno is a policy engine designed for Kubernetes. In this session, Chip and Jim will cover the latest features in Kyverno and discuss how organizations are using Kyverno for Kubernetes governance at scale!
How Mercedes-Benz, in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation, Expanded Its Kubernetes Fleet Management with Cluster API to Public Clouds Challenge Mercedes-Benz is one of the most successful automotive companies in the world. As a 100% subsidiary…
A comprehensive report on my first in-person attendance at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2023 Europe
Guest post originally published on LinkedIn by Maryam Tavakkoli, Senior Cloud Engineer at RELEX Solutions Background: My journey with Kubernetes I am originally from Iran. I moved to Finland in 2017 to pursue my master’s studies…