Cloud native youth: encouraging the next generation of technologies with Kid’s Day
Community post by Eric Han and Arun Gupta Every kid loves Minecraft! Sharing a bus ride at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Valencia, a group of us shared how immersed our kids have been in Minecraft, whether…
Cloud Native Live: Kyverno 1.9 and Beyond
Join us to hear what’s new in the Kyverno for Kubernetes policy and governance.
The Notary project completes fuzzing security audit
Community post also published on the Notary blog by Adam Korczynski, David Korczynski, and Feynman Zhou Reviewed by Pritesh Bandi, Samir Kakkar, Shiwei Zhang, Toddy Mladenov, Vani Rao, Yi Zha The Notary Project is happy to…
Latin America and cloud native: a love story
Community post by Jose Rodriguez Roa & Cuemby Marketing team Latin America and cloud native technology have developed a growing affinity over the years, as cloud computing has become increasingly popular and accessible in the region. …
Project post originally published on Github by Dragonfly maintainers Dragonfly v2.0.9 is released! 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Team, Volcano Engine Team, and Baidu AI Cloud Team for helping Dragonfly integrate with their…
Managing API sprawl: the case for standards and consistency in API operations
Guest post by Andrew Stiefel, Manager of Product Marketing for Secure API Connectivity Solutions at NGINX, part of F5 By now, most Platform Ops teams are familiar with API sprawl – shorthand for the compounding challenges…
5 ways cloud native guardrails help your development team deliver
Guest post originally published on the Fairwinds blog by Danielle Cook Traditional approaches to governance, such as Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) approaches that created a set of detailed practices for IT service and asset management,…
Preserving authorship in a GitOps world with Kyverno
Community post originally posted on Neon Mirrors by Chip Zoller It seems just about everyone is doing GitOps in Kubernetes these days. With so many available tools and the maturity of them, it’s hard to avoid…
CNCF is excited to announce that the schedules for the CNCF-hosted co-located events at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023 are live! Schedules Registration This year, attendees had the opportunity to register for an In-person All-Access pass,…
移动云,发展最快的云 目前,移动云的公有云IaaS+PaaS市场份额国内排名第七,增速全球第一。私有云份额位列第5、政务云已进入行业前3。目前移动云已经为百万企业客户提供服务,并拥有1200多家生态合作伙伴。移动云秉承“5G时代,你身边的智慧云”理念,以云原生开源技术及标准为基础,充分发挥自身产品与技术创新优势,联合产业生态,为客户提供全栈云原生产品家族,帮助客户应用敏捷、业务智能,安全可信,面向未来持续演进。 2022年,移动云计划打造一款多集群管理平台,用于对底层的多个超大规模集群提供一个运维、管理的入口。具体来说,当时主要面临两个问题: 1. 多集群检索 2. 兼容不同版本的Kubernetes 在考虑了多种不同的解决方案之后,移动云选择了Clusterpedia。“首先,clusterpedia使用简单并且稳定。”李莉说,“因为Clusterpedia是一个比较新的项目,我们一开始是抱着尝试的态度。但通过实践证明,Clusterpedia完全能够承担起生产的重任,它至今稳定的工作着。”另外,该团队表示,Clusterpedia内部对版本兼容处理非常严谨,客户端完全不用改代码,甚至不用升级client-go,这个特点帮助他们减少了很升级多成本。 “Clusterpedia改善了我们在多集群中查询的体验” — 李莉,云原生团队leader 在引入Clusterpedia之前,没有一个合适的多集群资源检索工具,随着业务的增长,数据中心的规模在不断的扩大,快速在多集群中检索到一个特定的资源是一个急需解决的问题。“我们需要在一个面板上能检索到所有K8s集群上的资源,”李莉说,“此前,我们要详细记录每个K8s集群上运行着哪些应用,然后再基于这个记录去对应的K8s集群上查找,而现在,我们可以基于Clusterpedia做到快速的多集群资源检索,极大地提升了多集群资源查找效率”。 “Clusterpedia同时也解放了我们的运维人员,它给我们的运维人员提供了一个统一的面板,让我们的运维人员在排查问题时不再为多集群之间的切换而烦恼。” 李莉说,“Clusterpedia节省了我们的运维人员至少50%的运维时间。” “同时,Clusterpedia除了为多集群提供了一个强有力的资源检索工具,它还提供了多集群资源的Watch功能。基于此,我们实现了对多集群资源状态事件的统一汇聚,从而实现了对多集群资源状态监控和处理。” “此外,我们基于Clusterpedia成功的对一些产品组件进行了多集群能力改造,我们使用client-go的informer监控Clusterpedia的APIServer从而感知任意集群工作负载的状态,并进行相应的事件处理” “用户希望能够不改动任何代码,像是在单集群那样使用多集群,他们使用client-go、kubectl与Kubernetes交互。”李莉说,“Clusterpedia与原生Kubernetes api完全兼容,我们对Clusterpedia进行了一些小的改造,让它能够承担起多集群APIServer的角色。” “Clusterpedia是一个优秀的开源项目,我们在享受它带来的便利的同时,也一直在思考能为社区做些什么。” — 李莉,云原生团队leader “Clusterpedia是我们在CNCF发现的宝藏,在对社区索取的同时,我们也积极的参与到了对社区的贡献当中,”李莉说,“上文中提到的多集群资源的Watch功能,就是基于我们的业务需求,设计、研发、并最终回馈给社区的。在今后的工作中,我们期待和Clusterpedia社区有更深入的合作。我们计划研究一套多集群解决方案,可以让应用像运行在单集群上一样运行在多集群上,除了对多集群资源的读操作外,还有对多集群资源的增删改,另外还会涉及到多集群资源调度,多集群网络,多集群监控等领域。我们期待和社区一起成长。”