Search results for: kubernetes

Application architecture: why it should evolve with the market

Posted on January 7, 2021 | By Mia Platform team

Guest post originally published on Mia Platform’s blog by the Mia Platform team Today, the IT challenge is to go along with the evolution of market and business needs through effective choices in terms of application architecture. To…

TechGenix: “Kuma: A Modern Multizone Service Mesh for Containers and VMS”

Posted on January 6, 2021

Envoy is likely the most important open-source project in the cloud-native networking space. Without it, we wouldn’t have a service mesh like Istio. The Envoy team recently announced Envoy Mobile, which looks to manage mobile applications with the same…

2020 CNCF Annual Report

Posted on December 29, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) annual report for 2020 is now available. The report highlights the growth of the community, events, projects, and more, over the past year. As CNCF celebrated its fifth birthday in 2020, it…

CNCF Annual Report 2020

Posted on December 25, 2020

Table of Contents Who We Are Remembering Dan KohnMomentum in 2020Membership End User Community End Users & CNCF Projects / TOCEnd Users & KubeCon + CloudNativeConCNCF End User Technology RadarEnd User Training BenefitsEnd User Case StudiesConferences & EventsWellness…

ArgoCD + KubeVela: GitOps with Developer-centric Experience

Posted on December 22, 2020 | By Deng Hongchao

Guest post by Deng Hongchao, Software Engineer, Alibaba Introduction Argo CD Argo CD is a GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It is a part of the CNCF Argo Project, a set of Kubernetes-native tools for running and managing…

Cluster addons via Operators

Posted on December 18, 2020 | By Sandeep Rajan

By Sandeep Rajan, Software Engineer, Infoblox Addons extend the functionality of Kubernetes. Some of the addons like CoreDNS and kube-proxy are considered essential to the functionality of a Kubernetes cluster and are shipped along with cluster management tools like…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Receives Renewed $3 Million Cloud Credit Grant from Google Cloud

Posted on December 17, 2020

Google’s donation will help further the technical maturity and stability of the Kubernetes project SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – December 17, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced…

Solving configuration drift using GitOps with Argo CD

Posted on December 17, 2020 | By Kostis Kapelonis

Argo CD (part of the Argo project) is a deployment solution for Kubernetes that follows the GitOps paradigm.  Deploying to Kubernetes with Argo CD In the most basic scenario, Argo CD continuously monitors a Git repository with Kubernetes…

CNCF Welcomes New Marketing Co-Chairs: Kaitlyn Barnard and Lexi Nadolski

Posted on December 16, 2020

We are excited to announce Kaitlyn Barnard and Lexi Nadolski as CNCF’s new Marketing Committee Co-Chairs! Kaitlyn and Lexi will follow in the footsteps of Mark Coleman and will lead the committee to define its goals and achieve…

Multi-cluster & multi-cloud service meshes with Kuma and Envoy

Posted on December 15, 2020 | By Marco Palladino

Guest post by Marco Palladino, CTO & Co-Founder at Kong; Creator & maintainer of Kuma When we first created Kuma – which means “bear” in Japanese – we dreamed of creating a service mesh that could run across…