KCD Italy 21: We all like pizza! Let’s get together again next year
Guest post by KCD Italy Team KCD Italy 2021 was the first edition of a community-organized non-profit event that took place on November 17th and 18th, and that gathered adopters and technologists from open source and…
Hardware-based Security for Service Mesh Keys
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China Virtual sponsor guest post from Eric Adams, Cloud Software Engineer at Intel, and Sakari Poussa, Cloud Solutions Architect at Intel You clicked on this article puzzling, “Isn’t the…
How to develop a custom provider in Terraform
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Saravanan Gnanaguru Terraform Introduction and Overview Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code technology and it is used to create immutable infrastructure. It allows infrastructure to be expressed as…
Microservices and cloud native applications vs. monolithic applications
Guest post originally published on SparkFabrik’s blog by the SparkFabrik Team In a full Digital Transformation logic, today’s IT ecosystems are strongly inclined towards the hybrid and multi-cloud paradigm. In this context, applications implemented based on a microservices architecture can return greater advantages compared…
Cloud Native Live: Improve Core-to-Edge Mobility and Resiliency for Cloud-Native Applications
More and more organizations are looking to turn their data into actionable insights to create new and improved customer experiences and services. Implementing effective application mobility and resiliency is foundational to driving improved IT operations at…
The New Stack: “What It Takes to Go from CNCF Sandbox to Incubation”
The number of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects has exploded since its first project Kubernetes, setting the stage for hundreds of tools and platforms that have achieved the various CNCF project maturity milestones of Sandbox,…
Meetup EOL, Cloud Native Community Groups expansion
We first launched Cloud Native Community Groups just over a year ago to help the community stay better connected. Since then, the use of the platform has grown dramatically. There are now over 300 active chapters,…
How to start your cloud security journey
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Frederick Fernando When you start building your cloud infrastructure, security might not be a top priority as much as getting your project up and running. This might lead…
A first timer’s journey at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon
Guest post originally published on Dev.to by Purneswar Prasad Let’s have some context: KubeCon+CloudNativeCon is one of the biggest conferences in the world where users, developers and companies who have/want to adopt the Cloud Native standard of running…
Flux Security Audit has concluded
Project post cross-posted from the Flux blog As Flux is an Incubation project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, we were graciously granted a sponsored audit. The primary aim was to assess Flux’s fundamental security posture…