Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) joins CNCF Incubator
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Dapr as a CNCF incubating project. Dapr is a set of APIs that makes it easy for developers to write distributed applications. Dapr runs as a…
Spotify End User Journey Report
The End User Journey report highlights active End User Community members and demonstrates how these organizations grow as technology leaders and benefit from joining the CNCF End User Community. Our first End User Journey report looks…
Cloud Native Wasm Day North America 2021
The application of Wasm has already started expanding in cloud-native infrastructure to Kubernetes, Envoy Proxy, and Envoy based solutions like Istio and Gloo. In particular, the Envoy project has been working to integrate and stabilize the…
Cloud Native DevX Day North America 2021
Cloud native workflows and Kubernetes in particular made a lot of things easier at scale. As adoption continues to grow and clusters are spun up with the click of a button in seconds, the focus of…
16 CNCF interns graduated from Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2021!
In its fifth year participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), CNCF is excited to announce 16 interns have graduated from the program after working with the Foundation’s projects. Interns this year contributed to Graduated, Incubating…
Feel the fear and do it anyway!
Community Guest post By Paula Kennedy, Chief Operating Officer at Syntasso It’s a strange feeling when you realise that even though you’ve worked in a space for more than 4 years, you’ve been in a very…
Welcome to Pluto, the place to start with open source development
Guest post originally published on Fairwind’s blog by Robert Brennan, Fairwinds Hello from Pluto, the little planet with big open source value. Once considered a full-size sphere in the cosmos, Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf…
Prometheus definitive guide part III – Prometheus operator
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Ninad Desai, InfraCloud In the previous post, we covered monitoring basics, including Prometheus, metrics, its most common use cases, and how to query Prometheus data using PromQL. If you’re just…
Service mesh 101: the role of Envoy
Guest post originally published on Kong’s blog by Scott Lowe If you’ve done any reading about service meshes, you’ve probably come across mentions of an open source project named Envoy. And if you’ve done any reading…