Search results for: kubernetes

A Cloud Native Network for a Holographic KubeCon EU

Posted on September 14, 2020 | By Vijoy Pandey

KubeCon  + CloudNativeCon sponsor guest post from Vijoy Pandey, VP / CTO of Cloud, Distributed Systems, and Ventures at Cisco As we wrap up our first ever virtual KubeCon in 2020, as a community, we also celebrate our…

CNCF End User Technology Radar: Observability, September 2020

Posted on September 11, 2020 | By Cheryl Hung

Today, CNCF is publishing the second of our quarterly CNCF End User Technology Radars; the topic for this Technology Radar is observability. In June, we launched the CNCF End User Technology Radar, a new initiative from the CNCF…

Building dynamic machine learning pipelines with KubeDirector

Posted on September 11, 2020

Machine Learning (ML) pipelines are complex to set up and even more difficult to maintain when constantly shifting data models are required. In essence, you need a Dynamic ML Pipeline. In this webinar, we will discuss an example…

The evolution of cloud orchestration systems from ephemeral to persistent storage

Posted on September 11, 2020

Public clouds, OpenStack and Kubernetes all started by supporting only non-persistent “cattle” VMs and containers. Over time the cloud orchestration systems evolved to adding persistent storage support. In this talk we’ll evaluate how different orchestration systems made the…

Multi-cluster & multi-cloud service mesh with CNCF’s Kuma and Envoy

Posted on September 11, 2020

Learn how to run a distributed Envoy-based service mesh on multiple Kubernetes clusters and multiple clouds in just a few steps with Kuma, a CNCF project. In this hands-on webinar, Marco Palladino – Kong’s CTO and Kuma maintainer…

Dapr, Lego for microservices

Posted on September 11, 2020

Developers building cloud native applications come across the same challenges – reliable service invocation, state management, event driven services and observability to name a few. However developers should focus on application business logic, not solving distributed application challenges….

Why do we hit a wall when introducing microservice architecture?

Posted on September 10, 2020 | By Fred Chien, Brobridge

Guest post by Fred Chien (錢逢祥, Brobridge) Understanding various technical issues and pitfalls of microservice architecture The Microservice Architecture is foggy. No matter what you do, it always seems wrong, and you may hit the wall accidentally behind…

CommunityBridge Spotlight: My first real experience with Open Source

Posted on September 9, 2020 | By Arthur Silva Sens

Guest post by CommunityBridge Intern, Arthur Silva Sens I just graduated from my internship at Linux Foundation’s Community Bridge program, and I’d like to share my experience and explain why you should also consider applying if you are new to…

VanillaStack as a platform for a truly vendor-agnostic open-source ecosystem

Posted on September 4, 2020

VanillaStack, an open-source Kubernetes-based cloud-stack, introduces a new approach to set-up and distribute open-source cloud-workloads, abstracting from complexities and providing the foundation for an open-source ecosystem, which is truly open and vendor-agnostic. In this webinar, the open-source edition…

SiliconANGLE: “TiKV graduates from the CNCF, enabling persistent storage for container applications”

Posted on September 2, 2020

TiKV is now the latest project to graduate from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, an initiative that’s meant to help advance Kubernetes and other container technologies.