Search results for: kubernetes

Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes T-Mobile as Gold Member

Posted on May 27, 2020

Second-largest U.S. wireless company joins with cloud native ecosystem to advance container technology in the enterprise SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – May 27, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software,…

Istio Service Mesh in 2020

Posted on May 25, 2020

Guest Post by Alon Berger, Technical Marketing Engineer, Alcide Since 2017, Kubernetes has soared and has played a key role within the cloud-native computing community. With this movement, more and more companies who already embraced microservices realized that…

How to better understand K8s workloads using Octant

Posted on May 22, 2020

We will create and troubleshoot a Kubernetes workload using Octant, and then open up the conversation for questions. Octant is an easy to use open source tool that lets you visualize a Kubernetes cluster using a Graphical User…


Posted on May 22, 2020

印度股票经纪公司Zerodha是全球最大的散户股票投资平台,每天要处理 800 万笔交易。 “我们的使命就是方便普罗大众进行交易和投资,”首席技术官 Kailash Nadh 说。 鉴于这个行业的特点和交易规模,Zerodha基础设施需要涵盖公有云(大多数内部应用的 AWS)和多个数据中心的物理机,满足通过租赁股票交易市场线路和适配器实现资本市场互联的具体监管和技术要求。 自身的复杂性,加上严格监管的技术堆栈,最终用户应用程序和需要各种外部依赖的内部系统,公司需要云原生技术。 “我们需要一个统一、集中的监控基础设施,在各种复杂环境中运行,” Nadh 说,“Prometheus 能保证我们有效监控关键的低时延金融系统,帮我们集合并监控整个基础设施范围的指标。大量已有的导出器和自定义导出器带来的书写便利,让我们能在短时间内实现大范围覆盖。” 此外,Zerodha 已经开始将其服务从 VM 迁移到容器,并在 2020 年逐步迁移到 Kubernetes。因其所有应用程序是用 12 要素法、面向服务的基础设施开发的,所以迁移非常简单。公司有一套明确的流程,规定以其 CI/CD 流程推动生产变化,因此,基础设施团队从 GitLab 创建 CI 流水线入手。Zerodha 重点实践“基础设施即代码”,使用 Terraform、Packer 和 eksctl,在 AWS 上管理 Kubernetes 集群基础设施,并在 AWS(ECR)内部镜像仓库托管容器镜像(工件)。…


Posted on May 22, 2020

The Indian stock brokerage Zerodha handles 8 million trades a day, making it the largest retail stock investment platform in the world. “Our mission is to make trading and investing easy and accessible to the masses,” says CTO…

How cloud native is driving Zerodha, the world’s largest retail stock investment platform

Posted on May 22, 2020

The Indian stock brokerage Zerodha handles 8 million trades a day, making it the largest retail stock investment platform in the world. “Our mission is to make trading and investing easy and accessible to the masses,” says CTO…

Integrating multi-location ADC with Prometheus+Grafana

Posted on May 20, 2020

DevOps teams and SRES are increasingly using cloud native systems to visualize and monitor distributed, container-based application delivery controllers (ADCs) across multiple clouds and hybrid infrastructure. When this is associated with an ephemeral infrastructure built on Kubernetes, a…

Happy developers: Navigators of the data age

Posted on May 18, 2020

Guest post originally published on the Rookout blog by Or Weis In the age of discovery, navigators changed the world. Their unique skills won them fame, riches, and glory, as well as the ears and support of kings…

Resilient and fast persistent container storage leveraging Linux’s storage functionalities

Posted on May 15, 2020

LINSTOR is a software-defined storage system built on top of the software based storage building blocks in the Linux kernel (LVM, ZFS, dm-crypt, dm-cache, DRBD, etc.). With that foundation, it is the leader in its class when it…

Kubespray CI on OVHcloud's OpenStack public cloud

Posted on May 15, 2020

Guest blog post from Maxime Guyot Kubespray is a set of Ansible playbooks to deploy and manage a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster. It supports a wide range of operating systems (Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora, Flatcar, …), CNIs (Calico, Cilium,…