Search results for: kubernetes

Building Dynamic Machine Learning Pipelines with KubeDirector

Posted on October 19, 2020 | Joel Baxter, Kartik Mathur, and Don Wake

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Virtual sponsor guest post from Joel Baxter, Kartik Mathur, and Don Wake of HPE. Imagine that you’re a data scientist who’s been asked to create an application or service that can predict…

Managing your policies and standards

Posted on October 15, 2020

Governance in engineering refers to the ability of the operations team to verify and enforce certain policies and standards across the entire organization or within specific clusters. The policies and standards you want to enforce come…

Overcoming the challenges of cleaning up container images

Posted on October 15, 2020 | Alexey Igrychev

Guest post originally published on wref’s blog, by Alexey Igrychev, software engineer Having lots of images residing in your container registry can become a noticeable issue while dealing with CI/CD pipelines for modern cloud-native applications delivered…

InfoQ: “Q/A with Creator of Envoy and Lyft Engineer Matt Klein”

Posted on October 14, 2020

EnvoyCon 2020 is scheduled as a virtual event this week. Envoy which was the third project to graduate from CNCF behind Kubernetes and Prometheus was originally created at Lyft. It’s a high performant edge/middle/service proxy well…

CNCF Cloud Native Survey China 2019

Posted on October 13, 2020

Kubernetes is Used in Production by 72% in China 2019 CNCF中国云原生调查 – 中国72%的受访者生产中使用Kubernetes At CNCF, we regularly survey our community to better understand the adoption of open source and cloud native technologies. For the third time,…

Achieving multi-tenancy in monitoring with Prometheus & the mighty Thanos Receiver

Posted on October 13, 2020

Guest post originally published on Infracloud’s blog by Sayan Das, DevOps Engineer at InfraCloud Technologies Hey there! If you are reading this blog post, then I guess you are already aware of Prometheus and how it helps us…

The New Stack: “The Most Popular Cloud Native Storage Solutions”

Posted on October 12, 2020

Storage is one of the most critical components of a Containers-as-a-Service platform. Container-native storage exposes the underlying storage services to containers and microservices. Like software-defined storage, it aggregates and pools storage resources from disparate mediums. Container-native…

DevClass: “What’s the point: Rook, Kong, Docker Hub, Elixir, Sumo Logic, and Sonatype”

Posted on October 9, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation has gained another graduate project. Accepted into the CNCF in 2018, storage project Rook is now mature enough to fall into one category with cloud native bedrocks Kubernetes and Prometheus.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Rook Graduation

Posted on October 7, 2020

Cloud native storage tool has grown its contributor base by 260% since joining CNCF  SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – October 7, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software,…

Important Helm Repo Changes & v2 End of Support in November

Posted on October 7, 2020 | Dan Garfield

Guest post from Dan Garfield, Chief Technology Evangelist, Codefresh and Scott Rigby, Developer Experience, Weaveworks On November 13th, 2020 the Stable and Incubator Helm chart repositories will be deprecated and all Helm-related images will no longer…