Search results for: kubernetes

Building application management platform with Open Application Model

Posted on July 13, 2020

This webinar will be delivered in Chinese. In this session, we will present practices and principles to build an application management platform with Kubernetes. Specifically, we will try to answer these questions based on practices we…

Phippy Goes to the Zoo

Posted on July 13, 2020

Brought to you by… Written by: Matt Butcher and Karen ChuIllustrated by: Bailey BeougherIllustration of Goldie is based on the Go Gopherdesigned by Renee French Phippy, Zee, and Phippy Goes to the Zoo are copyright…


Posted on July 10, 2020

Nubank于 2013 年创立于巴西,作为一家金融科技初创企业,Nubank 不会被历史遗留的基础架构所累。 公司在早期就使用了 Docker 容器, 在 AWS 上运行差不多所有的基础设施。 但这并不意味着 Nubank 不会遇到问题。过去几年中,随着 Nubank 客户基数达到 2300 万,工程团队从最初的 30 人增至 520 人,这家金融科技初创企业面临挑战。“我们使用的是不可变基础架构,但我们的发展非常、非常迅猛,” Nubank 工程总监 Renan Capaverde 说,“我们的部署要靠旋转整个堆栈,或克隆整个基础设施才能迭代所有开发。因此,随着时间推移,会变得越来越慢,越来越痛苦。” 此外,还有其他痛点,包括应用软件的负载均衡,在 AWS 中添加新的安全组规则的难度等。 “最终,我们确信,Docker 对我们大有裨益,我们希望进一步容器化,”Capaverde 说。选择一个编排器是接下来要做的工作。Nubank 的数据基础设施团队已经在 Mesos 上运行了一个 Spark…


Posted on July 10, 2020

A fintech startup founded in 2013 in Brazil, Nubank was never weighed down by legacy infrastructure. Early on, the company embraced Docker containers and ran almost all of its infrastructure on AWS. Which is not to…

One large cluster or lots of small ones? Pros, cons and when to apply each approach

Posted on July 10, 2020

There’s definitely a trend to have multiple Kubernetes clusters running within each organization or even within each team. There are situations where this is the only viable approach, but in other circumstances, it could be fine…

Fluent Bit v1.5

Posted on July 10, 2020

Fluent Bit, a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd, has reached it version v1.5 Come and join Fluent Bit community on this webinar where you will learn about Logging for Kubernetes. In addition we will…

Comparing eBPF and Istio/Envoy for monitoring microservice interactions

Posted on July 9, 2020

Kubernetes has made it incredibly easy to build distributed applications out of large numbers of microservices. Monitoring, or even accurately tracking, the interaction between each of these services can be a significant operational challenge. Service meshes,…

TOC approves Operator Framework as Incubating Project

Posted on July 9, 2020

Today, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept the Operator Framework, which is made up of two main components Operator SDK and Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) as an incubation-level hosted project. The Operator Framework…

The New Stack: "Contour ingress controller joins CNCF at incubation level"

Posted on July 9, 2020

The open source Contour, a high-performance ingress controller for Kubernetes that provides a control plane for the Envoy proxy, joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as an incubation level project, skipping over the traditional sandbox…

How Alibaba extends K8s scheduler to support AI and big data workloads

Posted on July 9, 2020

This webinar will be delivered in Chinese. We will introduce the development of Kubernetes Scheduling Framework and then share the best practices of supporting for complex workloads such as AI/ML and heterogeneous resources such as GPU….