Prometheus and Grafana: the perfect combo
Originally published on the Epsagon blog by Ran Ribenzaft, co-founder and CTO at Epsagon In this post, we talk about two of the most popular open-source monitoring solutions available today: Prometheus and Grafana. Monitoring is a crucial feature…
Kubernetes is all around the world now and more companies start using it on a daily basis. After learning how to master the platform, many companies look into getting their engineers certified to either achieve Kubernetes…
Based in India, Sterlite Technologies Ltd. (STL) builds and delivers operations support systems (OSS), business support systems (BSS), digital commerce, wifi, and other software for telecom operators across the globe. With customers in more than 150…
Based in India, Sterlite Technologies Ltd. (STL) builds and delivers operations support systems (OSS), business support systems (BSS), digital commerce, wifi, and other software for telecom operators across the globe. With customers in more than 150…
印度Sterlite Technologies Ltd.(STL)为全球电信运营商构建提供操作支持系统(OSS)、业务支持系统(BSS)、数字商务、wifi 及其他软件。 公司客户遍及150多个国家,“我们的产品可根据客户需求定制、配置,部署在客户的基础设施上,从裸金属、基于管理程序的虚拟化,到 OpenStack 私有云,以及近期使用越来越广的公有云平台,应有尽有,” STL 平台研发副总裁 Ajay Iyer 说,“因此,交货周期通常为15至18个月,部署时间需要3至5天。” 但对于 STL 来说,仅做到这些仍然不够,Iyer 说:“我们追求的目标是‘一朝构建、随处可用’,不需要依靠任何底层基础设施,就能够实现全网规模、云原生能力,也能更快实现产出。如今,全球电信产业对云原生解决方案的需求和应用正在呈指数级增长,我们希望能够满足需求,保持竞争力。” 团队相信,凭借其自动伸缩扩容、自我修复、自动部署与回滚功能,Kubernetes 编排一定能让 STL 实现目标。目前公司已经开始使用 Docker 容器,并在评估了多个平台之后,决定采用 Kubernetes,“主要是因为它无懈可击的社区支持,” Iyer 说。 2018年中,平台团队开始着手把标准电信企业应用转为云原生应用,网络等级应用转为 Kubernetes 上的 CNF(云原生网络功能)。STL 的云原生堆栈还包括 ELK、Ambassador API 网关、Prometheus 和 Grafana 等,作为获取应用…
If your organization has been operating Kubernetes, you probably have been looking for ways to control what end-users can do on the cluster and ways to ensure that clusters are in compliance with company policies. With…
This webinar will be delivered in Chinese Piraeus: 本地持久卷的动态分配,资源管理和高可用 开源项目 Piraeus 致力于为 Kubernetes 本地持久卷 (Local Persistent Volume) 实现动态分配,资源管理和高可用。本地持久卷功能在 K8S 1.14 GA , 但是一直只能静态分配,缺少进一步的自动化管理。Piraeus 系统把各种本地存储资源集中管理,实现基于策略的动态分配。为了克服本地卷数据的单点故障风险,Piraeus 集成 DRBD 技术把 IO 实时同步到其它节点,通过故障切换配合 Pod 的重新调度。在资源管理层面,Piraeus 能监控和预警存储介质的使用率。 Piraeus 通过进一步发展 K8S 本地持久卷技术点,…
Seven CNCF interns graduate from the 2020 Linux Foundation CommunityBridge Program
We are very pleased to announce that as part of CNCF’s participation in CommunityBridge, seven interns have successfully passed the program! CommunityBridge is a platform that aims to sustain open source projects and through paid internships for…
Container Journal: "CNCF Adopts Argo Continuous Delivery Platform"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has agreed to accept Argo, a content delivery (CD) platform for Kubernetes environments put forward by Intuit, as an incubation project.
Fluentd project journey report
Today we are thrilled to release our next Project Journey report for Fluentd. So far we have completed these for CNCF graduated projects including Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and containerd. Fluentd is an open source data collector that unifies…