Search results for: kubernetes

DevClass: “‘Electrifying’ Kubernetes 1.26 released with improved Windows support, verified binaries”

Posted on December 13, 2022

Kubernetes 1.26, whose theme the team calls “Electrifying,” has been released with several important updates, including more complete support for Windows containers and, for the first time, digital signing of all official release artifacts, enabling verification that they…

Heise Online: “Kubernetes 1.26 vollendet den Wechsel auf das Container Runtime Interface”

Posted on December 12, 2022

Das Kubernetes-Entwicklungsteam hat Version 1.26 der Container-Orchestrierungsplattform vorgelegt – Codename Electrifying. Die zahlreichen Neuerungen im Release betreffen insbesondere die Einführung des Container Runtime Interface (CRI), das ab sofort in der stabilen Version 1.0 zum Einsatz kommt, sowie den…

Le Monde Informatique: “Sécurité et management au menu des mises à jour de Kubernetes 1.26”

Posted on December 12, 2022

Pas besoin d’attendre une mise à jour majeure pour bénéficier d’une pluie de fonctionnalités. 

Kubernetes {open-source} security: a survey

Posted on December 9, 2022 | By Jonathan Kaftzan

Guest post originally published on ARMO’s blog by Jonathan Kaftzan, VP Marketing & Business Development at ARMO A first of its kind survey looks at the relationship between open-source and K8s security. Today DevOps and security teams who…

VentureBeat: “New Kubernetes 1.26 release boosts security, storage, teases dynamic resource allocation”

Posted on December 9, 2022

In the cloud-native space, where applications are purpose built and delivered to run in the cloud, one technology in particular rises above all others — Kubernetes.

SiliconANGLE: “Kubernetes receives new cybersecurity and management features”

Posted on December 9, 2022

The developers of Kubernetes have released new features for the software container management platform that will make it easier to secure and maintain.

Container Journal: “Kubernetes 1.26 Update Closes Out 2022 Development Efforts”

Posted on December 9, 2022

The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) for Kubernetes today made available a 1.26 update that adds 37 enhancements, 16 of which represent new capabilities. Eleven other capabilities are graduating to stable while 10 are moving from alpha to beta.

Container Journal: “GitOps Workflows Expanding Beyond Kubernetes Clusters”

Posted on December 8, 2022

Now that the open source Flux version control software has officially graduated to become a mature project with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the pace at which organizations embrace GitOps best practices should accelerate.

OpenCost: A new CNCF Sandbox Project for real-time Kubernetes cost monitoring

Posted on December 6, 2022 | By Matt Ray

Guest post by Matt Ray, Senior Technical Success Manager at Kubecost As a growing number of teams scale their Kubernetes deployments, it’s becoming increasingly important for them to better understand and manage related infrastructure spend. OpenCost, now a…