Search results for: kubernetes


Posted on August 28, 2019

The leader in customer relationship management software, Salesforce supports more than 150,000 organizations with its customer success platform and other products. On the technology side, “the big thing we’re trying to establish is a unified interoperability…

Delivering cloud native application and infrastructure management

Posted on August 27, 2019

Managing Kubernetes clusters and the application workload running on them is complex. Developers and teams should have a means of quickly shipping solutions into K8s and ensuring they can lifecycle those solutions. Tooling and complexity become…

PaaS vs KaaS: What's the difference, and when does it matter?

Posted on August 27, 2019

Because they offer many similar capabilities, it’s easy to confuse a Platform as a Service with a Kubernetes as a Service system, but they are fundamentally different, and that can have serious implications if you choose…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes 48 new members at Open Source Summit North America

Posted on August 21, 2019

CNCF continues its rapid growth with new members including DailyMotion, GoDaddy, LinkedIn, and Vodafone, among others SAN DIEGO – Open Source Summit North America – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native…

SearchITOperations: "Test your knowledge of CNCF projects and tools"

Posted on August 20, 2019

From Kubernetes to Envoy, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation has ushered in many leading open source technologies for the IT enterprise. So, how well do you know them?

Persistent cloud native volumes on NVMe Speed

Posted on August 19, 2019

LINSTOR is an open-source storage controller for Linux building blocks: NVMe, NVMe-over-Fabric (NVMe-oF), DRBD, LVM, ZFS, VDO, MD-Raid, loop-devices, XFS, ext4 etc. The LINSTOR controller also includes CSI and K8s FlexVolume drivers. LINSTOR is unique in…

How to choose right proxy architecture for micro-services based application delivery

Posted on August 19, 2019

In this webinar, you will learn how to choose the right proxy architecture for your micro-services and Kubernetes based application delivery to balance simplicity and benefits. This is THE most comprehensive and rigorous comparison of 4…

使用容器和无服务器在 AWS 中进行云原生开发 (Cloud native development in AWS with container and serverless)

Posted on August 19, 2019

This webinar will be delivered in Chinese 本次网络研讨会将以中文发布 在本次研讨会中,我们将讨论如何使用开源软件和 AWS 托管服务在 AWS 中构建云原生应用,期间我们会: 介绍 AWS 上的 Kubernetes 有何新功能 快速回顾一下 Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 最近的改进 eksctl – 一个最初由 weaveworks 发起的开源项目,现已成为 Amazok EKS 的官方 CLI。 AWS CDK…

Storage landscape for containerized stateful applications

Posted on August 19, 2019

Deploying stateful applications in Kubernetes can be a daunting task for those new to the storage landscape. Should a deployer choose block, file, object, or a database? What is volume? And can it be used by…


Posted on August 15, 2019

Next time you get sucked into a quiz or poll on a media site like The Telegraph or Time, you can thank Apester⁠’s drag-and-drop interactive content platform⁠—and its usage of cloud native technologies like Linkerd. When…