Search results for: kubernetes

SDxCentral: "CNCF remains focused as cloud native interest soars"

Posted on April 3, 2019

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) might not be the largest open source organization or even the largest group under the broader Linux Foundation umbrella, but it has been one of the fastest growing thanks to…

TOC votes to move OPA into CNCF incubator

Posted on April 2, 2019

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept the Open Policy Agent (OPA) as an incubation-level hosted project. OPA, which entered the CNCF Sandbox in March 2018, is an open…

Meet the Ambassador: Paris Pittman

Posted on April 1, 2019

Paris Pittman, Developer Relations Program Manager at Google sat down with Kaitlyn Barnard, Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF), to talk about cloud native, trends in the industry, and being an Ambassador. Below is their interview. You can…


Posted on March 26, 2019

With its end-to-end commerce platform for cloud-based products and services, AppDirect has been helping organizations such as Comcast and GoDaddy simplify the digital supply chain since 2009. When Director of Software Development Pierre-Alexandre Lacerte started working…

Scaling Up Smart: 4 key tips on successfully using cloud native technology to scale your infrastructure

Posted on March 25, 2019

Today’s post is by Reda Benzair, CNCF Ambassador and VP of Engineering at Streamroot. This was originally posted on the Streamroot techdeveloper’s blog. In this post, I’d like to share some high-level takeaways for engineering managers…


Posted on March 21, 2019

Founded in 2012, Nav provides small business owners with access to their business credit scores from all three major commercial credit bureaus⁠—Equifax, Experian, and Dun & Bradstreet⁠—as well as details on their businesses’ financial health and…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces Kingsoft Cloud as Gold Member

Posted on March 20, 2019

Leading Chinese cloud computing service provider increases support for cloud native technologies to drive innovation in emerging industries SAN FRANCISCO – March 20, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which sustains open source technologies…


Posted on March 14, 2019

Its gaming business is the fifth-largest in the world, but that’s not all that NetEase provides consumers. The company also operates e-commerce, advertising, music streaming, online education, and email platforms in China; the last of which…

NetEase’s system supports 30,000 nodes in a single cluster

Posted on March 14, 2019

Not only is NetEase the fifth largest gaming company in the world, they also operate e-commerce, advertising, music streaming, online education, and email platforms throughout China. With that kind of scale, the NetEase Cloud team realized…


Posted on March 14, 2019

它的游戏业务是世界上最大的游戏业务之一,但这并不是网易为中国消费者提供的唯一服务。 该公司还经营电子商务、广告、音乐流媒体、在线教育和电子邮件平台。2015年,为这些业务提供基础设施的网易云团队,意识到当时的研发流程已经不能满足业务的发展需求。“我们的用户需要自己准备所有基础设施。”网易云架构师、轻舟微服务技术负责人冯常健说,“我们希望通过基于Serverless的容器服务,为他们提供一套自动化的基础设施和工具。” 在考虑建立自己的业务流程解决方案后,网易云决定将其私有云平台建立在Kubernetes上,诞生于Google的事实让网易云团队相信它可以跟上网易的规模。“经过2到3个月的评估,我们相信它可以满足我们的需求。”冯常健说。 该团队在2015年Kubernetes 1.0版本发布之前就开始使用Kubernetes,因为它相对容易使用,并且在公司启用了DevOps。“我们放弃了Kubernetes的一些概念,仅使用了标准化的框架。”冯常健说,“我们利用Kubernetes的可编程性,以便我们可以构建一个平台来满足内部客户的升级和部署需求。” 最初,网易云聚焦于构建容器平台来更好地管理资源,后续通过添加监控等工具,开始致力于提升对微服务架构的支持,这意味着网易云又集成了Prometheus,Envoy,Harbor,gRPC和Helm等CNCF项目。据冯常健介绍:“我们正在努力提供一个简单和标准的流程,以使得我们的用户可以利用我们的最佳实践”。 并且这个团队也在继续做出改进,比如电商业务需要混合部署,在过去这需要使用2套独立的平台:基础设施平台和Kubernetes平台。最近,网易云在此基础上研发了一套跨平台的应用,实现2个平台的一站式部署。 “该系统可以在一个集群中支持30,000个节点。在生产环境中,曾达到过单个集群10,000个节点的数据。内部大部分互联网业务正在使用该系统进行开发、测试和生产。” — 曾宇星,网易云架构师 目前,该系统“可以在一个集群中支持30,000个节点。”网易云架构师曾宇星说,“在生产环境中,曾达到过单个集群10,000个节点的数据。内部大部分互联网业务正在使用该系统进行开发、测试和生产。” 根据网易云团队的数据,Kubernetes使研发效率提高了100%以上,部署效率提高了280%。“在过去,如果我们想进行升级,需要与其他团队甚至其他部门的同事协作。”冯常健说,“我们需要专门的人员来准备一切,之前通常会花费大约半个小时的工作,现在5分钟内就可以完成。”新平台还支持GPU和CPU资源的混合部署,这些改进也提高了资源的利用率。 “我们利用Kubernetes的可编程性,以便我们可以构建一个平台来满足内部客户的升级和部署需求。” — 冯常健,网易云架构师、轻舟微服务技术负责人 基于内部平台的使用经验,网易云开始对外提供基于Kubernetes的云平台和面向微服务的一站式解决方案——轻舟微服务平台。冯常健说:“我们希望将这些内部业务遇到的问题和经验产品化,满足外部客户的需求。” 无论是否使用网易云产品,网易云都鼓励其他公司尝试Kubernetes。“只要公司拥有一支成熟的团队和足够的开发者,我认为Kubernetes是一种非常好的技术,可以帮助到企业。”网易云Kubernetes开发者李岚清说。 作为最终用户和云服务提供商,网易云在社区中也非常活跃,积极学习其它公司的经验,并分享其实践案例。网易云团队也一直在参与Harbor和Envoy项目的社区贡献,基于网易的规模体量提供测试反馈。冯常健说:“我们是一个专注于面向微服务解决方案的团队,通过与社区的合作,我们可以获得经验并从中受益,我们可以看到社区的关注点和面临的挑战,并参与其中。”