Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes Arm as Gold Member
Computing giant affirms its focus and aligns itself to contribute to the next generation of cloud innovation SAN FRANCISCO – February 19, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which sustains open source technologies like…
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018 was a huge success with record-breaking registrations, attendance, sponsorships, and co-located events. Out of 8,000 attendees, 73% were first-time KubeCon-ers, highlighting massive growth and new interest in CNCF and cloud…
Diversity scholarship series: Why not?
CNCF offered diversity scholarships to developers and students to attend KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2018. In this post, Dennis Salamanca Farafonov shares what sets KubeCon + CloudNativeCon apart and why you should apply to become a…
A global media and technology company, Comcast launched its X1 Cloud DVR service in 2014, allowing millions of customers to download or stream content onto mobile and IP-connected devices. Two years later, a new greenfield project…
Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes Inspur as Gold Member
Leading global service provider accelerates adoption of cloud computing in big data and AI markets SAN FRANCISCO – January 31, 2019 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which sustains and integrates open source technologies like…
A leading fintech conglomerate in China, CreditEase provides individual customers, businesses and startups with a large variety of lending and wealth management services. With its stated mission of “Better tech, better finance, better world,” the company…
The second biggest municipality in Canada, Montréal has a large number of legacy systems keeping the government running. And while they don’t quite date back to the city’s founding in 1642, “we have systems that are…
The CNCF TOC – charged with defining and maintaining the technical vision for CNCF; approving new projects within the scope for CNCF set by the Governing Board, and creating a conceptual architecture for these projects; aligning…
宜信是中国领先的金融科技企业集团,为个人客户、企业和初创企业提供多种贷款和理财服务。 公司以“宜人宜己,美好生活”为使命,致力于利用大数据金融云、物联网等技术,快速开发创新产品和服务。 在过去的12年里,随着公司的成长,它建立在VMWare Vsphere之上的传统大块头正在艰难地追赶。该公司想要解决的挑战有很多:应用程序在线花费的时间太长,而且很难确保环境的一致性。应用程序具有复杂的生命周期管理,具有多个生产和构建环境。自动缩放和快速开发是不可能的。最重要的是,使用的商业软件非常昂贵。容器云架构师陈晓宇表示:“在当前的互联网环境下,开发和交付的长周期是不合适的。” 拥抱微服务、容器化和持续交付使得“更快地完成产品迭代、发现问题和更早地解决问题成为可能,”晓宇说。但是,由于生产环境中有成千上万个容器,宜信需要一个管理系统,该系统还提供应用程序监视服务,如调用链跟踪和网络监视,以及一组支持多种语言的CI/CD系统。 在考虑了许多技术之后,宜信团队选择Kubernetes进行编排。“Kubernetes在整体架构、设计理念和社区活动方面是最好的,”晓宇说。另外,“Kubernetes由CNCF托管是非常重要的,CNCF保证了Kubernetes的中立性,这意味着它不与商业供应商绑定。对Kubernetes的跨行业投资促进了该技术的发展。” 宜信团队在迁移微服务运行在Kubernetes,已经节省了大量时间。“通过将微服务打包到容器中并使用Kubernetes,可以更快地完成应用程序更新和回滚,”晓宇说。在整个大型应用程序中,不再存在由一小段错误代码引起停机的风险。 “目前的产品迭代越来越快,因为在线交付在最短的时间内完成。” — 陈晓宇,宜信容器云架构师 “因为不同的团队可以负责不同的服务,他们可以更快地完成产品的迭代和更新,而不需要等待整个项目的发布,”晓宇补充道:“容器集群支持公司的大部分业务场景,因此,一方面,提高了开发和交付效率,另一方面,节省了商业软件的成本。” 除了Kubernetes,宜信平台还使用其它CNCF技术,包括Prometheus、Helm和Harbor。“我们使用容器镜像存储库Harbor,它在clair中执行镜像扫描,Helm作容器部署,Docker作运行时,Flannel作网络插件以及NFS作共享存储。”晓宇说。 “因为不同的团队可以负责不同的服务,他们更快地完成产品的迭代和更新,而不是等待整个项目的发布。” — 陈晓宇,宜信容器云架构师 对于其他考虑云原生架构和实践的公司,晓宇有这样的建议:“他们需要相关技术人员的参与,他们应该使用社区活动最高的项目,这样任何问题都可以及时得到解决。” 有了这两件事,宜信已经成功地过渡到云原生。“当前的产品迭代越来越快,因为在线交付在最短的时间内完成,”晓宇说:“Kubernetes将继续推动和支持公司未来更多的业务场景。”
Container Journal: "CNCF graduates CoreDNS project"
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) today announced it has graduated CoreDNS, an instance of a highly portable domain name system (DNS) server, to give this project equal standing alongside Kubernetes container engine, Prometheus container monitoring…