Automate Kubernetes Security and Operations with Kyverno Certified Associate (KCA)
Announcing a New CNCF certification for Kyverno Kyverno is an open-source policy engine designed for Kubernetes that allows teams to validate, mutate, and generate configurations, enabling the automation of security policies as code, beyond just audit…
Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Automates Kubernetes SecOps With Kyverno”
Open source Kubernetes policy engine technology Kyverno has been certified for use and formalized with a new Kyverno Certified Associate (KCA) exam by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America this month…
Inside Argo: a new documentary on the tool simplifying Kubernetes deployments through automation
GitOps provides a pathway to stable, dependable, and predictable cloud native infrastructure and workflows. Over the past few years GitOps and Argo have grown hand in hand as ArgoCD has become a reliable solution for consolidating…
Cloud Native Now: “CNCF KubeVirt v1.4, VMs Are Now Just Another Kubernetes Resource”
In line with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America this month in Salt Lake City, Utah, the CNCF announced the version 1.4 iteration of KubeVirt.
Runtime: “Runtime Roundtable November 2024: Kubernetes”
Kubernetes has become one of the most widely used tools in distributed system infrastructure, but powerful tools can rack up significant expenses without proper configuration or management. Seven members of our Roundtable offered advice this month…
Cloud Native Live: Cloud-native secrets management with Pulumi ESC and Kubernetes
The open-source Pulumi ESC project brings a new approach to cloud-native secrets management, and helps bridge the gap between managing and orchestrating secrets in cloud-native systems, and getting making sure those secrets are available within Kubernetes…
It’s been a decade since Kubernetes’ first commit on June 6, 2014. In marking the Kubernetes 10-year milestone, it’s also worth noting that the open-source project has become ubiquitous across the cloud-native ecosystem, with more than 88,000 contributors across 8,000…
The New Stack: “10 Tips for Kubernetes Architects on K8s’ 10th Birthday”
In this interview, CNCF head of Ecosystem Taylor Dolezal provides ten tips for architects to navigate Kubernetes and its ecosystem.
Kubernetes RBAC: improve the K8s security posture
Member post originally published on the Devtron blog by Siddhant Khisty TL;DR: Secure your Kubernetes cluster with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to define granular permissions for users and applications. This guide explains how to implement RBAC…
What Karpenter v1.0.0 means for Kubernetes autoscaling
Member post by Rajdeep Saha, Principal Solutions Architect, AWS and Praseeda Sathaye, Principal SA, Containers & OSS, AWS Introduction Karpenter is an open-source project that provides node lifecycle management to optimize the efficiency and cost of running workloads…