Search results for: kubernetes

Using Containers and Kubernetes to Increase the Efficacy of Anomaly Detection

Posted on January 21, 2020

Guest post from Connor Gorman, Sr. Software Engineer, StackRox The maturation of the container ecosystem has coincided in parallel with the emergence of Kubernetes as the de facto orchestrator for running containerized applications. This new declarative…

Kubernetes Message Queue

Posted on January 16, 2020

Guest post originally published in KubeMQ by Lior Nabat Background Most enterprises are adopting Kubernetes as a result of the endless benefits it offers. It is adopted for seamless container management; it provides high scalability and enhances communication…

SiliconANGLE: "CNCF launches Kubernetes bug bounty program"

Posted on January 15, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation announced the creation of a new bug bounty program for the open-source Kubernetes container orchestration tool.

VentureBeat: "CNCF, Google, and HackerOne launch Kubernetes bug bounty program"

Posted on January 15, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced it is funding a bug bounty program for Kubernetes.

TechCrunch: "Kubernetes gets a bug bounty program"

Posted on January 15, 2020

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced its first bug bounty program for Kubernetes. To run this program, the CNCF is partnering with Google and HackerOne.

Business Insider: "Developers can now get paid for finding bugs in Kubernetes, the popular open source cloud project started at Google"

Posted on January 15, 2020

Kubernetes, started at Google, will now have a bug bounty program paid for by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation to reward security researchers.

Introducing the Kubernetes bug bounty program

Posted on January 14, 2020

We are happy to announce that the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is funding a new Kubernetes bug bounty program to reward researchers who find security vulnerabilities in Kubernetes’ codebase, as well as build and release processes. The…

Zendesk: ‘Kubernetes Seemed Like It Was Designed to Solve the Problems We Were Having’

Posted on January 13, 2020

Launched in 2007 with a mission of making customer service easy for organizations, Zendesk offers products involving real-time messaging, voice chat, and data analytics. All of this was built as a monolithic Rails app, using MySQL…

The need for Kubernetes native message queue broker

Posted on January 10, 2020

When planning a microservices architecture orchestrated by Kubernetes, it is necessary to use a Kubernetes native messaging broker to manage the high load of messaging in the system. Kubernetes native messaging broker provides scaling, robustness and…

API gateway & ingress management with Kong for Kubernetes

Posted on January 9, 2020

Kong for Kubernetes is an open source Kubernetes Ingress Controller based on the Kong Gateway project. Ingress management is an important part of your configuration and operations. When services are exposed outside a cluster, one needs…