Demo an Automated Canary Deployment on Kubernetes with Argo Rollouts, Istio, and Prometheus
Building stuff is fun! Let’s use Argo Rollouts, Istio, and Prometheus to automate a canary deployment on Kubernetes! The application we’ll run is the Argo Rollouts Demo Application which does a great job of visualizing how…
How to ace the Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA) exam
Community post originally published on Medium by Giorgi Keratishvili Introduction If you have worked on Kubernetes production systems at any time during the last 10 years and needed to check your pods or application uptime, resource consumption, HTTP error rates,…
Prometheus 3.0 unveiled: highlights from PromCon Europe 2024
Ambassador post originally published on Medium by Dotan Horovits, CNCF Ambassador TL;DR Key updates: PromCon Europe 2024 just wrapped up in Berlin, and this year’s edition was a big one. Not just because the Prometheus community…
OpenMetrics is archived, merged into Prometheus
Community post originally published on Medium by Dotan Horovits OpenMetrics is finally back where it has always belonged — Prometheus format Last month the OpenMetrics project was officially archived and folded into Prometheus. That’s the end of an…
Monitor Cloudflare workers using Prometheus Exporter
Member post originally published on Last9’s blog by Aniket Rao Here’s a detailed blog post on monitoring Cloudflare Workers using Prometheus Exporter. We discuss the data flow of how Prometheus Cloudflare Exporter fetches metrics from your Cloudflare account; then, by…
PromCon recap: Prometheus ecosystem updates
Member post originally published on’s blog by Dotan Horovits In the first part of our 2023 PromCom recap, we spent OpenObservability Talks exploring the Perses open source project. We found heavy users of open source Grafana who…
A practical guide to data collection with OpenTelemetry and Prometheus
Guest post originally published on Grafana Labs’ blog by Goutham Veeramachaneni Grafana Labs has always been actively involved in the OpenTelemetry community, even working with the predecessor projects OpenTracing and OpenCensus. We have been supporting OTLP as the…
Inside Prometheus + the PCA exam
Prometheus is one of the highest velocity CNCF projects, with broad adoption across the IT industry globally, so it’s no wonder that the Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA) has become one of our most popular certifications. This…