Search results for: prometheus

OpenTelemetry: Future-Proofing Your Instrumentation

Posted on August 6, 2020

Guest post originally published on the New Relic blog by John Watson, lead engineer, and Lavanya Chockalingam, senior product marketing manager at New Relic As a developer, you care about the performance of your applications, and you know just how…


Posted on August 5, 2020

The company behind the online project management and bug tracking software Backlog, the cloud-based diagramming software Cacoo, and the chat app Typetalk, Nulab serves 4 million users around the world. “Our mission is to make productivity fun and…

Logging in Kubernetes: EFK vs PLG Stack

Posted on July 27, 2020

Guest post originally published on the InfraCloud blog by Anjul Sahu, Solution Architect at InfraCloud With ever-increasing complexity in distributed systems and growing cloud-native solutions, monitoring and observability become a very important aspect in understanding how the systems are behaving….

Advanced Cloud Engineer Bootcamp makes it simple for IT pros to learn cloud

Posted on July 22, 2020

Following the successful launch of the Cloud Engineer Bootcamp last month, The Linux Foundation and CNCF heard from many sysadmins, developers, engineers, and others who wanted a similarly structured program to help them learn the skills necessary to…

Goutham Veeramachaneni – Mentee to maintainer and mentor

Posted on July 16, 2020

Goutham Veeramachaneni, shares how he grew from a summer internship to become a maintainer for Prometheus and Cortex ⁠— and a Google Summer of Code mentor. How did you get interested in cloud native technology? I was doing…


Posted on July 10, 2020

Nubank于 2013 年创立于巴西,作为一家金融科技初创企业,Nubank 不会被历史遗留的基础架构所累。 公司在早期就使用了 Docker 容器, 在 AWS 上运行差不多所有的基础设施。 但这并不意味着 Nubank 不会遇到问题。过去几年中,随着 Nubank 客户基数达到 2300 万,工程团队从最初的 30 人增至 520 人,这家金融科技初创企业面临挑战。“我们使用的是不可变基础架构,但我们的发展非常、非常迅猛,” Nubank 工程总监 Renan Capaverde 说,“我们的部署要靠旋转整个堆栈,或克隆整个基础设施才能迭代所有开发。因此,随着时间推移,会变得越来越慢,越来越痛苦。” 此外,还有其他痛点,包括应用软件的负载均衡,在 AWS 中添加新的安全组规则的难度等。 “最终,我们确信,Docker 对我们大有裨益,我们希望进一步容器化,”Capaverde 说。选择一个编排器是接下来要做的工作。Nubank 的数据基础设施团队已经在 Mesos 上运行了一个 Spark 集群,团队考察了几种不同的技术,包括 Docker…


Posted on July 10, 2020

A fintech startup founded in 2013 in Brazil, Nubank was never weighed down by legacy infrastructure. Early on, the company embraced Docker containers and ran almost all of its infrastructure on AWS. Which is not to say that…

How Kubernetes empowered Nubank engineers to deploy 700 times a week

Posted on July 10, 2020

A fintech startup founded in 2013 in Brazil, Nubank was never weighed down by legacy infrastructure. Early on, the company embraced Docker containers and ran almost all of its infrastructure on AWS. Which is not to say that…

TOC approves Operator Framework as Incubating Project

Posted on July 9, 2020

Today, the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept the Operator Framework, which is made up of two main components Operator SDK and Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) as an incubation-level hosted project. The Operator Framework is an…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation scales Sandbox approval Process to meet growing demand from new projects

Posted on July 8, 2020

New process iterations result in 11 new projects accepted into the CNCF Sandbox SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – July 8, 2020 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, today announced a…