Search results for: prometheus

Qihoo 360

Posted on January 17, 2019

The search division of the Chinese software giant Qihoo 360 Technology, is the second largest search engine in China, with market share of more than 35%. The company had been using traditional manual operations for deploying environments,…

Developing an effective observability strategy for your Kubernetes and service mesh environments

Posted on January 17, 2019

Kubernetes has emerged as the de-facto standard for orchestrating containerized applications. While it abstracts away many complexities, it also introduces new operational and monitoring challenges. In fact, the latest CNCF survey cites monitoring as one of the biggest…


Posted on January 17, 2019

Founded in 2013, Slamtec provides service robot autonomous localization and navigation solutions. In this fast-moving space, the company built its success on the ability of its R&D team to quickly introduce, and continually iterate on, its core products….

奇虎 360

Posted on January 17, 2019

中国软件巨头奇虎 360 科技有限公司的搜索部门 是中国第二大搜索引擎,拥有超过 35% 的市场份额。 该公司一直在使用传统的手动操作来部署环境,随着应用程序数量的不断增长,管理层希望提高服务器资源的利用率。搜索云平台事业部的项目支持人之一 Guo Shaowei 表示:“我们希望解决为大量项目构建运营环境的效率问题。” 大约三年前,360 开始规划容器云系统。Guo Shaowei 表示:“我们评估了三种编排技术,最终选择了 Kubernetes。它提供了完整且高度集成的功能组件,我们只需要少量的开发工作就能满足业务需求。” 该公司现在拥有完整的 PaaS 解决方案,使用了 Kubernetes 编排、Prometheus 监控、Harbor 注册表和 Wayne(开源)部署项目。该平台在很大程度上依赖于开源组件,包括 CNCF 项目 gRPC 和 CoreDNS,以及 InfluxDB、Kafka 和 Ceph。Guo Shaowei 表示:“我们主要在搜索部门的开发和交付环节推广容器技术,以提高业务效率和服务质量。” 事实上,这些云原生技术带来了更高的效率。自切换到由 Kubernetes 管理的容器以来,开发人员开始为新项目编写业务需求代码之前所需的设置时间,已经从 2-6 小时减少到 10-30 分钟。将应用程序部署到容器云环境后,服务器成本相当于 360 原先使用的物理机器解决方案的 55%,之前使用的传统虚拟化解决方案 (VPS) 的 82%,同时仍能够保持相同的性能和可用性。 “Kubernetes 提供了完整且高度集成的功能组件,我们只需少量的开发工作即可满足业务需求。”…

Enterprise leaders’ protips for scavenger hunting through the cloud native tool weeds

Posted on January 15, 2019

This article was written and produced by the Orate Project, which helps organizations tell technical stories Aren’t enterprises lucky the cloud native ecosystem is growing so lavishly? A whole universe of well-honed tools is expanding before them. The…

Monitoring Kubernetes, part 1: the challenges + data sources

Posted on January 9, 2019

Originally published here by Sean Porter, CTO of Sensu Our industry has long been relying on microservice-based architecture to deliver software faster and safer. The advent and ubiquity of microservices naturally paved the way for container technology, empowering us to…

Closing out 2018 with a top-notch cloud native community event!

Posted on December 14, 2018 | By Natasha Woods

With KubeCon Seattle now behind us, here’s a snapshot of all the cloud native goodness at our most jam-packed show to date. The sold-out KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018 had the largest attendance and waiting list of…


Posted on December 13, 2018

Woorank’s core product is a tool that enables digital marketers to improve their websites’ visibility on the internet. “We help them acquire lots of data and then present it to them in meaningful ways so they can work…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation welcomes Capital One as Gold End User Member

Posted on December 11, 2018

Leading financial organization increases use of and support for cloud native projects like Kubernetes SEATTLE, WA – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America – December 11, 2018 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which sustains and integrates open…

CNCF to host etcd

Posted on December 11, 2018 | By Kristen Evans

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) voted to accept etcd as an incubation-level hosted project from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Seattle. etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to…