Search results for: prometheus

Prometheus user profile: ShuttleCloud explains why Prometheus is good for your small startup

Posted on May 17, 2017 | Kristen Evans

ShuttleCloud is a small startup specialized in email and contacts migrations. The company developed a reliable migration platform in high availability used by clients like Gmail, Gcontacts and Comcast. For example, Gmail alone has imported data…

CNCF brings Kubernetes, CoreDNS, OpenTracing and Prometheus to Google Summer of Code 2017

Posted on May 4, 2017 | Chris Aniszczyk

The Google Summer of Code (GSOC) program allows university students (over the age of 18) from around the world to spend their summer breaks writing code and learning about open source development. Accepted students work with a mentor…

Release update: Prometheus 1.6.1 and sneak peak at 2.0

Posted on April 24, 2017

Prometheus 1.6.1 After 1.5.0 earlier in the year, Prometheus 1.6.1 is now out. There’s a plethora of changes, so let’s dive in. The biggest change is to how memory is managed. The -storage.local.memory-chunks and -storage.local.max-chunks-to-persist flags have been replaced by Prometheus will attempt to keep…

Prometheus user profile: How DigitalOcean uses Prometheus

Posted on February 28, 2017 | Kristen Evans

DigitalOcean – a CNCF member and devoted Prometheus user – is approaching one million registered users with more than 40,000 active teams. With workloads becoming more complex, it is focused on delivering the tools and performance that…

Prometheus user profile: Dynamically helping Weaveworks accelerate cloud native application development

Posted on February 24, 2017 | Kristen Evans

Sometimes two things go so well together you wonder how you ever saw them separately, like peanut butter and chocolate coming together to make Reese’s cups. The combination of Kubernetes and Prometheus invokes the same feeling…

CNCF project session: Björn Rabenstein & Julius Volz of Prometheus on “service instrumentation, monitoring, and alerting with Prometheus”

Posted on October 20, 2016 | Kristen Evans

During last year’s O’Reilly Velocity conference in Amsterdam, Björn Rabenstein & Julius Volz of Prometheus presented on “Service Instrumentation, Monitoring, and Alerting with Prometheus.” Their comprehensive tutorial kicked off with an introduction into the fundamental concepts…

Keynotes, lightning talks and additional programming announced for CloudNativeCon, KubeCon and PrometheusDay

Posted on October 12, 2016

Keynoters include Box’s Sam Ghods, Comcast’s Erik St. Martin, LightStep’s Ben Sigelman, Prometheus Expert Fabian Reinartz and Kubernetes Experts Kelsey Hightower and David Aronchick SAN FRANCISCO – October 12, 2016 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation,…

Cloud Native Computing Foundation announces full keynotes and programming for CloudNativeCon, KubeCon and PrometheusDay

Posted on September 15, 2016

Top open source, container and cloud native technologists, including multiple founding members of the Kubernetes project, will gather to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing SAN FRANCISCO – September 15, 2016 – The…

Why Prometheus developers love open source

Posted on September 12, 2016

“Open source is a lot of people working hard to build the best software they can to give it to you for free,” said Fabian Reinartz, engineer at CoreOS and core Prometheus developer. We asked the…