Kubestronaut FAQ

How can I get the voucher to attend CNCF events?

As a Kubestronaut in order to get your vouchers to get 20% off a CNCF event (KubeCon or KubeDays) each year, simply contact kubestronaut@cncf.io and we will be able to give you all the needed elements.

I have passed some of my certifications in 2 (or more) different Linux Foundation accounts, but it is not possible to merge them. Can I still be a Kubestronaut?

We are aware of this current limitation of our systems, so we are manually taking into consideration the certifications you have across various Linux Foundation accounts. In order to do so, simply contact us at kubestronaut@cncf.io and provide us the various LFID or email addresses you used, and we should be able to accommodate you.

Can I use the 50% voucher I have received on any CNCF exam?

Yes you can use the voucher for any CNCF exam that is available even if it was not released when you received the voucher. But keep in mind that those vouchers are for an individual exam only and not applicable to bundles (training course + certification or multi-exam.)