Principles for designing and deploying scalable applications on Kubernetes
Member Post Principles for designing and deploying scalable applications on Kubernetes
Guest post originally published on Elastisys’ blog by the Elastisys‘ team Designing scalable cloud native applications requires considerable thought, as there are many challenges to overcome. Even with the great clouds we have today for deploying our applications,...
February 17, 2022 | By Elastisys' team

Increase stability and reliability with Kubernetes + Helm + Flux!
Member Post Increase stability and reliability with Kubernetes + Helm + Flux!
Guest post by Tamao Nakahara, VP of Developer Experience, Weaveworks  The Benefits of Stability and Reliability  If you’ve come to this blog post, you’re probably interested in ways to be able to trust that everything will go well...
February 17, 2022

Container Journal: “CNCF: Rise in Emerging Open Source Tech on K8s”
Container Journal: “CNCF: Rise in Emerging Open Source Tech on K8s”
A new report from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in collaboration with Datadog, New Relic and Slashdata finds a wider range of emerging open source technologies are being deployed on top of Kubernetes. The report, based on...
February 17, 2022

ITProToday: “Kubernetes Cloud Growth Continues to Expand Cloud-Native Adoption
ITProToday: “Kubernetes Cloud Growth Continues to Expand Cloud-Native Adoption
Few trends in IT have been as pervasive in recent years as the dominance of cloud-native technologies including Kubernetes. In an attempt to quantify the current state of cloud-native technology adoption, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently...
February 16, 2022

Announcing Krius – accelerating your monitoring adoption for Kubernetes
Member Post Announcing Krius – accelerating your monitoring adoption for Kubernetes
Guest post originally published on InfraCloud’s blog by Yachika Ralhan We’re thrilled to share our newest OSS project ‘Krius’ with the cloud native community! Krius is a CLI tool to manage Prometheus, Thanos & friends across multiple clusters easily for...
February 16, 2022 | By Yachika Ralhan

Chaos Mesh moves to the CNCF Incubator
Staff Post Chaos Mesh moves to the CNCF Incubator
The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Chaos Mesh as a CNCF incubating project.  Initially created as a testing platform for the open source distributed database, TiDB, Chaos Mesh is a versatile chaos engineering platform...
February 16, 2022

RCR Wireless: “Kubernetes “crossed the chasm” in 2021 – survey”
RCR Wireless: “Kubernetes “crossed the chasm” in 2021 – survey”
Kubernetes is becoming an “under the hood,” every day enterprise technologyEnterprise use of containerized software and Kubernetes for cloud-native software development has gone mainstream. That’s the conclusion of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF’s) newest annual survey, which...
February 16, 2022

Managing public cloud resources for deep learning training: experiments and lessons learned
Member Post Managing public cloud resources for deep learning training: experiments and lessons learned
Guest post by Anne Holler, Chi Su, Travis Addair, Henry Prêcheur, Paweł Bojanowski, Madhuri Yechuri, and Richard Liaw INTRODUCTION Deep Learning (DL) has been successfully applied to many fields, including computer vision, natural language, business, and science. The...
February 15, 2022 | By Anne Holler, Chi Su, Travis Addair, Henry Prêcheur, Paweł Bojanowski, Madhuri Yechuri, and Richard Liaw

Kubernetes security best practices: definitive guide
Member Post Kubernetes security best practices: definitive guide
Guest post originally published on ARMO’s blog by Jonathan Kaftzan, VP Marketing & Business Development at ARMO Introduction Kubernetes, an open-source microservice orchestration engine, is well known for its ability to automate the deployment, management, and, most importantly,...
February 14, 2022 | By Jonathan Kaftzan

Flux January 2022 update
Project Post Flux January 2022 update
code example
February 11, 2022 | By Daniel Holback