ITPro: “The future of generative AI lies in open source”
ITPro: “The future of generative AI lies in open source”
The open source ecosystem has long been the backbone of the global technology industry, and in the age of generative AI, the situation is no different. Some of the most impressive models out there are open source, such as Mistral...
March 25, 2024

The Register: “How would you sum up a decade of Kubernetes?”
The Register: “How would you sum up a decade of Kubernetes?”
LOGOWATCH Are you feeling creative? To celebrate ten years of Kubernetes, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is seeking a design for an anniversary logo. Perhaps just the letters A and I crudely taped onto a ship’s wheel would...
March 25, 2024

CIO: “La Deutsche Bahn embarque ses développeurs dans le verdissement de ses infrastructures”
CIO: “La Deutsche Bahn embarque ses développeurs dans le verdissement de ses infrastructures”
Comme tous les opérateurs ferroviaires, l’Allemand Deutsche Bahn a plutôt le beau rôle face au changement climatique. La seule empreinte carbone directe du train, pour le transport de fret ou de voyageurs, suffit à faire pâlir de jalousie...
March 25, 2024

CompuerWeekly: “Interview: Priyanka Sharma, executive director, CNCF”
CompuerWeekly: “Interview: Priyanka Sharma, executive director, CNCF”
We speak to the Cloud Native Computing Forum chief about her own journey in software development and the continuous drive towards greater inclusivity
March 25, 2024

Linux Magazin: “KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Logo-Wettbewerb zum 10-jährigen von Kubernetes”
Linux Magazin: “KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Logo-Wettbewerb zum 10-jährigen von Kubernetes”
Google hatte Kubernetes im Juni 2024 angekündigt. Im September 2024 gab es die erste initiale Version 0.2 und im Juli 2015 erreichte Kubernetes Version 1.0. Während man sich darauf vorbereite, die bemerkenswerte 10-jährige Reise von Kubernetes zu feiern,...
March 25, 2024 “Kubecon & CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 : les dernières annonces” “Kubecon & CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 : les dernières annonces”
Lors du dernier keynote de Kubecon 2024 et CloudNativeCon Europe, qui se tenait vendredi dernier à Paris, Chris Anisczcyk, le CTO de la Fondation Linux a évoqué l’histoire de Kubernetes, qui fête ses 10 ans cette année. L’occasion de se...
March 25, 2024

Computer Weekly: “Cloud Native Computing: A Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast”
Computer Weekly: “Cloud Native Computing: A Computer Weekly Downtime Upload podcast”
During the recent KubeCon/CloudNativeCon 2024 event in Paris, Computer Weekly met with Priyanka Sharma, executive director of the Cloud Native Computing Forum (CNCF), to record this podcast, looking into trends driving Kubernetes, inclusivity and the perceived gap between...
March 25, 2024

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Day four: Looking to the past and the future of Kubernetes (and more news
Staff Post KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 Day four: Looking to the past and the future of Kubernetes (and more news
It’s the last day, and so much has already happened! We’ve shown how amazing things can be created when we come together as a community. Here’s a look at the highlights from day 4 of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon...
March 22, 2024

Heise: “Cloud Native Computing Foundation: Dies und das abseits von Cloud-native KI”
Heise: “Cloud Native Computing Foundation: Dies und das abseits von Cloud-native KI”
Im Rahmen der KubeCon + CloudNativeKon veröffentlichen Firmen im Cloud-native-Umfeld gerne neue Produkte oder zumindest neue Versionen. Das ist auch in Paris 2024 nicht anders. Die erdrutschartigen Neuerungen blieben allerdings aus. Von Red Hat gab es gleich für...
March 22, 2024

The Register: “CNCF boss talks ‘irrational exuberance’ in an AI-heavy Kubecon keynote”
The Register: “CNCF boss talks ‘irrational exuberance’ in an AI-heavy Kubecon keynote”
The European leg of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF) Kubecon shindig kicked off this week with an AI-infused keynote and a broken registration system that left many attendees locked out.
March 22, 2024