Edge stream data processing based on KubeEdge and Kuiper
Edge stream data processing based on KubeEdge and Kuiper
Guest post by KubeEdge Maintainers Introduction: KubeEdge is an open-source edge computing platform. Based on the native container orchestration and scheduling capabilities of Kubernetes, KubeEdge achieves functionalities such as cloud-edge synergy, edge computing, edge device management, and edge...
August 3, 2021

Container Journal: “Introduction to the Kubernetes Cluster API”
Container Journal: “Introduction to the Kubernetes Cluster API”
Kubernetes use has expanded across DevOps to help with orchestrating container environments. In 2021, 68% of IT professionals increased their Kubernetes use. But as Kubernetes use rises, the next step is figuring out how to efficiently manage multiple...
August 3, 2021

IT Ops Times: “Linkerd becomes first service mesh to graduate CNCF”
IT Ops Times: “Linkerd becomes first service mesh to graduate CNCF”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently announced the graduation of Linkerd, which was the first project to join the CNCF Sandbox. Linkerd now becomes the first service mesh project to achieve graduated status, which indicates that the...
August 3, 2021

Update on CNCF and Open Source Project Velocity 2020
Staff Post Update on CNCF and Open Source Project Velocity 2020
Back in 2017, we provided insight into the top 30 highest velocity open source projects at the time and the findings were very interesting. This year, we want to look at both CNCF’s project velocity as well as...
August 2, 2021 | By Chris Aniszczyk

Why Kubernetes was inevitable
Member Post Why Kubernetes was inevitable
Guest post originally published on Elastisys’ blog by Lars Larsson Do you feel that Kubernetes is too complicated? That it’s going to be a waste of time to learn it? I know from experience that you are not...
August 2, 2021 | By Lars Larsson

The New Stack: “Linkerd Graduates CNCF with Focus on Simplicity”
The New Stack: “Linkerd Graduates CNCF with Focus on Simplicity”
The Linkerd service mesh, the first service mesh to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) back in 2017 as the foundation’s fifth project overall, has reached the graduated tier of the foundation.
August 2, 2021

How data meets software development and debugging
Member Post How data meets software development and debugging
Guest post originally published on the Rookout Blog by Elad Uzan, Rookout There’s no doubt about it: data is the new gold. The last decade has created a revolution in everything related to data, whether it’s the creation...
July 30, 2021

Success Story: Preparing for Kubernetes Certification Improves a Platform Development Engineer’s Skill Set
Staff Post Success Story: Preparing for Kubernetes Certification Improves a Platform Development Engineer’s Skill Set
Guest post from LF Training & Certification Faseela K. is a platform development engineer with a background in open source networking. As she saw the use of containers growing more than the VMs she was working with, she...
July 30, 2021

Implementing traffic policies in Kubernetes
Member Post Implementing traffic policies in Kubernetes
Guest post originally published on the Kong blog by Cody De Arkland, Kong When setting up Kubernetes for the first time, one of the networking challenges you might face is how to safely grant outside clients access to...
July 29, 2021

Announcing Vitess 11
Project Post Announcing Vitess 11
Guest post by Alkin Tezuysal, Vitess maintainer On behalf of the Vitess maintainers, I am pleased to announce the general availability of Vitess 11. Major Themes #   In this release, Vitess Maintainers have made significant progress in several areas,...
July 29, 2021