SDxCentral: "Serverless and Knative underline cloud native evolution"
SDxCentral: "Serverless and Knative underline cloud native evolution"
Serverless computing played an interesting subplot at the recent KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018 event in Seattle, where a number of keynotes and panels were dedicated to the topic of how these systems will impact the evolution...
December 28, 2018

Forbes: "At KubeCon 2018, Kubernetes lifts cloud native coders to new heights"
Forbes: "At KubeCon 2018, Kubernetes lifts cloud native coders to new heights"
For an exclusive group, it has a surprisingly inclusive message. At the sold-out KubeCon 2018 in Seattle, a conference for those who are building cloud computing infrastructure, the vibe of everyone from entrepreneurs to rainbow-bearded engineers was one...
December 27, 2018

Cortex: a multi-tenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus-as-a-Service
Cortex: a multi-tenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus-as-a-Service
Prometheus is one of the standard-bearing open-source solutions for monitoring and observability. From its humble origins at SoundCloud in 2012, Prometheus quickly garnered widespread adoption and later became one of the first CNCF projects and just the second to graduate (after Kubernetes)....
December 18, 2018 | By Luc Perkins

Closing out 2018 with a top-notch cloud native community event!
Closing out 2018 with a top-notch cloud native community event!
With KubeCon Seattle now behind us, here’s a snapshot of all the cloud native goodness at our most jam-packed show to date. The sold-out KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018 had the largest attendance and waiting list of...
December 14, 2018 | By Natasha Woods

Forbes: "Seven remarkable takeaways from massive Kubernetes conference"
Forbes: "Seven remarkable takeaways from massive Kubernetes conference"
The 8,000 attendees attending the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF) KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Kubernetes conference this week in Seattle demonstrated the exponential growth in interest in this complex, technical combination of open source technologies.
December 13, 2018

SiliconANGLE: "At KubeCon, serverless, mesh and DevOps announcements dominate"
SiliconANGLE: "At KubeCon, serverless, mesh and DevOps announcements dominate"
The core Kubernetes codebase has begun to stabilize, a trend made apparent from the fact that there was only one new open-source code contribution announced so far at this week’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2018 in Seattle.
December 12, 2018

eWEEK: "Why the cloud-native market is expanding at KubeCon"
eWEEK: "Why the cloud-native market is expanding at KubeCon"
The KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America event is a beacon for news, with vendors showcasing their wares and making multiple announcements.
December 11, 2018

GeekWire: "Crashing KubeCon: Has Istio become the new cloud-native darling?"
GeekWire: "Crashing KubeCon: Has Istio become the new cloud-native darling?"
What a difference a year makes. Kubernetes has been one of the most prominent open-source projects in cloud computing over the last several years, sparking its own conference that more than 8,000 people are expected to attend this...
December 11, 2018

SDxCentral: "Etcd joins CNCF’s growing cache of open source projects"
SDxCentral: "Etcd joins CNCF’s growing cache of open source projects"
That list’s newest member was added today as etcd slid under that umbrella as an Incubating project. Etcd is the primary storage location for Kubernetes and needs to be established before Kubernetes can be run on a system.
December 11, 2018

Phippy + Cloud native friends make CNCF their home
Phippy + Cloud native friends make CNCF their home
In 2016, Deis (now part of Microsoft) platform architect Matt Butcher was looking for a way to explain Kubernetes to technical and non-technical people alike. Inspired by his daughter’s prolific stuffed animal collection, he came up with the...
December 11, 2018 | By Kristen Evans