KubeTrain: A sustainable journey to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024
Community Post KubeTrain: A sustainable journey to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024
Community post by Michel Murabito (@akelity on GitHub) In a world increasingly dominated by technology, it’s crucial to think about how it can coexist in harmony with our planet. Sustainability in technology goes beyond just software development or...
February 8, 2024 | By Michel Murabito

Welcome StrimziCon 2024!
Project Post Welcome StrimziCon 2024!
Project post originally published on Paolo Patierno We are very pleased to announce the first StrimziCon, scheduled later this year! This is going to be the first conference focused on our beloved Strimzi and Apache Kafka projects and...
February 7, 2024

Le Monde Informatique: “La Kubecon Europe attendue à Paris en mars”
Le Monde Informatique: “La Kubecon Europe attendue à Paris en mars”
La prochaine conférence KubeCon + CloudNativeCon de la CNCF se tiendra à Paris du 19 au 22 mars prochain. Au menu : sessions techniques, démonstrations et retours d’expérience sur des thèmes variés allant de l’IA générative à la...
February 7, 2024

Le Mag IT: “Cloud & open source : la CNCF tend la main aux « utilisateurs finaux »”
Le Mag IT: “Cloud & open source : la CNCF tend la main aux « utilisateurs finaux »”
La Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) tente de mieux accompagner les équipes IT et de développement dans l’adoption des frameworks open source établis, tels que Kubernetes, Prometheus ou Argo. Il s’agit par ailleurs d’attirer davantage d’entreprises qui pourraient...
February 7, 2024

Data migration using AWS DMS with Terraform IAC
Member Post Data migration using AWS DMS with Terraform IAC
Member post by Msys Technologies Abstract So, everybody loves using the word “migration”. Migrate this, automate that. Just dump it out and automatically migrate it to that <insert-cool-new-cloud-acronym>. Is it that simple, though? Well, let’s find out in...
February 7, 2024 | By Msys Technologies

What’s happening to standard RIs?
Member Post What’s happening to standard RIs?
Member post originally published on Zesty’s blog by Pini Ben-Nahum When it comes to AWS discount plans, management approaches vary greatly. The often overlooked (Standard Reserved Instance) SRI has a lot to offer on further review. The deeper discount...
February 6, 2024 | By Pini Ben-Nahum

Tackling AI Together, Part One
Community Post Tackling AI Together, Part One
By Constance Caramanolis, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon co-chair emeritus This is part one of our series on Tackling AI Together. We’re looking at this new challenge/opportunity in the cloud native world and asking how we can work together –...
February 6, 2024 | By Constance Caramanolis

Autoscaling simplified: how to scale your applications in Kubernetes
Member Post Autoscaling simplified: how to scale your applications in Kubernetes
Member post originally published on Devtron’s blog by Kamal Acharya TL;DR: In containerized environments where application are broken down into smaller, manageable components autoscaling plays the vital role in optimising performance, resource utilisation and provides a seamless experience...
February 5, 2024 | By Kamal Acharya

Oracle OCI credits are now available to CNCF projects: Here is what you need to know
Staff Post Oracle OCI credits are now available to CNCF projects: Here is what you need to know
By Jorge Castro and Shah Ahmadzai Great news for CNCF projects today! Oracle has donated $3M in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) credits for Ampere-ARM based workloads. We are happy to announce that these credits are now available to...
February 2, 2024 | By Jorge Castro and Shah Ahmadzai

A KCD lead by the next generation of cloud native engineers
A KCD lead by the next generation of cloud native engineers
KCD post by Sergio Méndez, CNCF Ambassador Cloud Native Guatemala started in 2019 with the goal of rebirthing the spirit of open source communities in the USAC university in Guatemala. It started on a rainy night with some...
February 2, 2024 | By Sergio Méndez