KCD Denmark: a collective triumph in the Cloud Native universe
KCD Post KCD Denmark: a collective triumph in the Cloud Native universe
KCD post by the KCD Denmark Organizing Team In the dynamic realm of cloud-native technologies, a unique collaboration was sparked among three chapters of Cloud Native Nordics – Cloud Native Copenhagen, Cloud Native Aarhus, and Cloud Native Aalborg....
December 4, 2023 | By The KCD Denmark Organizing Team

GitOps goes mainstream – Flux CD boasts largest ecosystem
Member Post GitOps goes mainstream – Flux CD boasts largest ecosystem
Member post originally published on Weaveworks blog by Alexis Richardson Explore the latest insights from the CNCF GitOps microsurvey and uncover how GitOps is set to dominate the cloud-native landscape, with overwhelming adoption rates forecasted in the next two...
December 1, 2023 | By Alexis Richardson

The Cyber Resiliency Act and open source concerns
Member Post The Cyber Resiliency Act and open source concerns
Member post originally published on SparkFabrik’s blog by SparkFabrik Team Technological developments have made cyber security a top priority, especially considering the increase in cyber threats. In this context, the Cyber Resiliency Act has been presented as an...
November 29, 2023 | By SparkFabrik Team

CNCF Hooghly Meetup: A flashback of experiences
Community Post CNCF Hooghly Meetup: A flashback of experiences
Member post by Hrittik Roy, Platform Advocate at Loft Labs Hosting an event can be beneficial for both the community and the organizers, as it provides a valuable learning opportunity for both. Today, I would like to share...
November 29, 2023 | By Hrittik Roy

Build vs. buy: how to decide between an in-house or third-party internal developer platform
Member Post Build vs. buy: how to decide between an in-house or third-party internal developer platform
Member post originally published on Facets.cloud’s blog by Anshul Sao Explore the build vs. buy dilemma for Internal Developer Platforms (IDP) with clear insights and practical examples from companies like Treebo Hotels and GGX, shedding light on its...
November 29, 2023 | By Anshul Sao

Introducing ThanosCon in Paris KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2024!
Project Post Introducing ThanosCon in Paris KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2024!
Member post originally published on Thanos’ blog by the Thanos Team  Hello Thanos Community! 👋 Through recent years, the Thanos project has grown tremendously as an open-source scalable monitoring project based on Prometheus. Not only technically as a...
November 28, 2023 | By Thanos Team 

My KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Chicago 2023 Experience
Ambassador Post My KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA Chicago 2023 Experience
Ambassador post originally published on Social Maharaj’s blog by Atulpriya Sharma I’m sure that by now most of you reading this already know that I was attending KubeCon Chicago in person – my first KubeCon in person! But if you...
November 28, 2023 | By Atulpriya Sharma

Monitor Google Cloud Functions using Pushgateway and Levitate
Member Post Monitor Google Cloud Functions using Pushgateway and Levitate
Member post originally published on Last9’s blog by Aniket Rao How to monitor serverless async jobs from Google Cloud Functions with Prometheus Pushgateway and Levitate using the push model. Here’s a detailed blog post on monitoring Google Cloud...
November 27, 2023 | By Aniket Rao

Implementation of CURP Server
Member Post Implementation of CURP Server
Member post by DatenLord In the previous article, An Introduction to the CURP Protocol, we gave a preliminary introduction to the CURP Protocol. Now, let’s continue from where we left off and delve into the internal workings of...
November 27, 2023

Virtualization Review: “KubeCon 2023 North America: Tiny Containers, AI & Other Cloud-Native Goodies”
Virtualization Review: “KubeCon 2023 North America: Tiny Containers, AI & Other Cloud-Native Goodies”
As a media analyst, I had the opportunity to delve into several noteworthy presentations, as well as a chance to meet with several companies making big impacts in the Kubernetes community. Below is a recap of the sessions...
November 27, 2023