Revolutionizing telco: Embracing the power of DevOps in telco!
Member Post Revolutionizing telco: Embracing the power of DevOps in telco!
Guest post originally published on the Ozone blog by Amina Reshma Welcome to “DevOps in Telco,” where we explore the exciting intersection of DevOps practices and the telecommunications industry. This blog will explore the world of DevOps and...
August 25, 2023 | By Amina Reshma

FYI: The dark side of ChatGPT is in your software supply chain
FYI: The dark side of ChatGPT is in your software supply chain
Guest post originally published on the ARMO blog by Ben Hirschberg Let’s face it, the tech world is a whirlwind of constant evolution. AI is no longer just a fancy add-on; it’s shaking things up and becoming part...
August 24, 2023

Inside Prometheus + the PCA exam
Certifications Post Inside Prometheus + the PCA exam
Prometheus is one of the highest velocity CNCF projects, with broad adoption across the IT industry globally, so it’s no wonder that the Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA) has become one of our most popular certifications.  This pre-professional certification...
August 24, 2023

Canary deployment with Flagger and Istio on Devtron
Member Post Canary deployment with Flagger and Istio on Devtron
Guest post originally published on Devtron’s blog by Rupin Solanki TL;DR: Users can deploy apps and progressively shift traffic to an already-deployed version or the new version or roll it out to a subset of users before rolling...
August 23, 2023 | By Rupin Solanki

Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Graduates KEDA Autoscaler for Kubernetes Clusters”
Cloud Native Now: “CNCF Graduates KEDA Autoscaler for Kubernetes Clusters”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) revealed today that the Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) project has formally graduated.
August 23, 2023

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Graduation of Kubernetes Autoscaler KEDA
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Graduation of Kubernetes Autoscaler KEDA
The event-driven autoscaler is now used in production by more than 45 organizations, including FedEx, Grafana Labs, KPMG, Reddit, and Xbox SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – August 22, 2023 – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which builds sustainable...
August 22, 2023

ITOps Times: “KEDA graduates from CNCF”
ITOps Times: “KEDA graduates from CNCF”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced the graduation of another project: KEDA, which is a Kubernetes autoscaler. 
August 22, 2023

SilconANGLE: “Kubernetes autoscaling engine KEDA graduates from CNCF’s incubator program”
SilconANGLE: “Kubernetes autoscaling engine KEDA graduates from CNCF’s incubator program”
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation today announced the graduation of KEDA, an open-source tool created by Microsoft Corp. and Red Hat to make Kubernetes clusters more efficient.
August 22, 2023

An AI dilemma: how to implement generative AI tools safely and ethically
Member Post An AI dilemma: how to implement generative AI tools safely and ethically
Member post by Dan Ciruli, VP of Product at D2iQ Artificial intelligence is being used in all sorts of ways, from chatbots and virtual assistants to self-driving cars, and 97% of business owners believe that ChatGPT will help...
August 21, 2023 | By Dan Ciruli

Hello gRPC Community! The gRPConf 2023 schedule is now live!
Project Post Hello gRPC Community! The gRPConf 2023 schedule is now live!
We are excited to announce that the gRPConf 2023 schedule is now live. We have a schedule with 19 total sessions (5 keynote, 14 breakout) led by a strong group of experts that are using gRPC across a...
August 18, 2023