Forbes: “CNCF: Sustainable Software Projects Breed Eco-Sustainable Computing Systems”
Forbes: “CNCF: Sustainable Software Projects Breed Eco-Sustainable Computing Systems”
Software degrades. When we fail to ‘look after’ software systems – open source projects in particular perhaps – they deteriorate in terms of their ability to connect and integrate, to be robust enough to fend off malicious attacks,...
April 20, 2023

SDxCentral: “Using open source to measure compute’s carbon footprint”
SDxCentral: “Using open source to measure compute’s carbon footprint”
Open source software plays a significant role in environmental sustainability and reducing the data center industry’s energy footprint, Red Hat Principal Sustainability Community Architect Cara Delia said during a KubeCon Europe 2023 keynote address.
April 19, 2023

DevClass: “Open source devs finally get a taste of full strength SLSA”
DevClass: “Open source devs finally get a taste of full strength SLSA”
The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) has delivered a full digit version of one of its key software supply chain security projects.
April 19, 2023

The New Stack: “OpenTelemetry Gaining Traction from Companies and Vendors”
The New Stack: “OpenTelemetry Gaining Traction from Companies and Vendors”
At its heart, OpenTelemetry is about identifying problems in complex systems to create a better user experience. But to do that, it has to make sense of petabytes of data across thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of nodes.
April 19, 2023

SiliconANGLE: “The new tech frontier: Kubernetes ecosystem expansion and AI’s rising influence”
SiliconANGLE: “The new tech frontier: Kubernetes ecosystem expansion and AI’s rising influence”
The evolution of Kubernetes and the rise of artificial intelligence were two major topics during day one of the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon event in Amsterdam, with many attendees discussing the intersection of the two.
April 19, 2023

Heise: “KubeCon und CloudNativeCon: Größte Open-Source-Konferenz Europas hat begonnen”
Heise: “KubeCon und CloudNativeCon: Größte Open-Source-Konferenz Europas hat begonnen”
Noch bis zum 21. April findet die europäische Version der KubeCon+CloudNativeCon in Amsterdam statt. Der Ansturm auf die Hausmesse der Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) war in diesem Jahr so groß wie noch nie zuvor: Über 10.000 Teilnehmer sind in...
April 19, 2023

Linux Magazin: “KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Rekorde in Amsterdam”
Linux Magazin: “KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe: Rekorde in Amsterdam”
Bei der Keynote zur offiziellen Eröffnung der KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023 in Amsterdam konnte Chris Aniszczyk, CTO der Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) die mit 10.000 Teilnehmern bislang größte Konferenz der CNCF in Europa ankündigen. Zu den...
April 19, 2023

Le Monde Informatique: “KubeCon 2023 : réduire les coûts de production et ménager la planète”
Le Monde Informatique: “KubeCon 2023 : réduire les coûts de production et ménager la planète”
Comme tous les ans, les utilisateurs néophytes et avancés de Kubernetes se sont retrouvés dans une ville européenne pour partager leur expérience et progresser dans leur connaissance du gestionnaire de clusters de containers. Cette année, l’accent est mis...
April 19, 2023

Building secure software supply chains in CNCF with SLSA assessments
Staff Post Building secure software supply chains in CNCF with SLSA assessments
To continue efforts to improve the security of our graduated and incubating projects, we recently worked with Chainguard to assess the software supply chain security practices of two of our graduated projects, Argo and Prometheus. These efforts build...
April 19, 2023

Introducing our Spring 2023 Cloud Native Ambassadors!
Ambassador Post Introducing our Spring 2023 Cloud Native Ambassadors!
Today we’re thrilled to announce 155 new Cloud Native Ambassadors for the Spring 2023 term! The new diverse group of Ambassadors represents 124 companies across 37 countries – meet all the new Ambassadors here. The new Cloud Native...
April 19, 2023