Why we advocate for workload-centric over infrastructure-centric development
Member Post Why we advocate for workload-centric over infrastructure-centric development
Guest post originally published on Score’s blog by Susa Tünker of Humanitec Score envisions a developer and workload-centric approach to improve developer productivity and experience. In this article, we take a deeper look at the “why” and see...
December 12, 2022 | By Susa Tünker

Heise Online: “Kubernetes 1.26 vollendet den Wechsel auf das Container Runtime Interface”
Heise Online: “Kubernetes 1.26 vollendet den Wechsel auf das Container Runtime Interface”
Das Kubernetes-Entwicklungsteam hat Version 1.26 der Container-Orchestrierungsplattform vorgelegt – Codename Electrifying. Die zahlreichen Neuerungen im Release betreffen insbesondere die Einführung des Container Runtime Interface (CRI), das ab sofort in der stabilen Version 1.0 zum Einsatz kommt, sowie den...
December 12, 2022

Le Monde Informatique: “Sécurité et management au menu des mises à jour de Kubernetes 1.26”
Le Monde Informatique: “Sécurité et management au menu des mises à jour de Kubernetes 1.26”
Pas besoin d’attendre une mise à jour majeure pour bénéficier d’une pluie de fonctionnalités. 
December 12, 2022

Kubernetes {open-source} security: a survey
Member Post Kubernetes {open-source} security: a survey
Guest post originally published on ARMO’s blog by Jonathan Kaftzan, VP Marketing & Business Development at ARMO A first of its kind survey looks at the relationship between open-source and K8s security. Today DevOps and security teams who...
December 9, 2022 | By Jonathan Kaftzan

VentureBeat: “New Kubernetes 1.26 release boosts security, storage, teases dynamic resource allocation”
VentureBeat: “New Kubernetes 1.26 release boosts security, storage, teases dynamic resource allocation”
In the cloud-native space, where applications are purpose built and delivered to run in the cloud, one technology in particular rises above all others — Kubernetes.
December 9, 2022

Heise Online: “CNCF nimmt GitOps in den Fokus und befördert auch Argo zum Graduate-Projekt”
Heise Online: “CNCF nimmt GitOps in den Fokus und befördert auch Argo zum Graduate-Projekt”
Der deklarative Ansatz von GitOps – im Sinne des von Weaveworks-CEO Alexis Richardson geprägten “Operations by Pull Requests” – verspricht Entwicklerinnen und Entwicklern ein automatisiertes, schnelles und sicheres Deployment von Anwendungen auch in komplexen Cloud-nativen Umgebungen.
December 9, 2022

SiliconANGLE: “Kubernetes receives new cybersecurity and management features”
SiliconANGLE: “Kubernetes receives new cybersecurity and management features”
The developers of Kubernetes have released new features for the software container management platform that will make it easier to secure and maintain.
December 9, 2022

Container Journal: “Kubernetes 1.26 Update Closes Out 2022 Development Efforts”
Container Journal: “Kubernetes 1.26 Update Closes Out 2022 Development Efforts”
The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) for Kubernetes today made available a 1.26 update that adds 37 enhancements, 16 of which represent new capabilities. Eleven other capabilities are graduating to stable while 10 are moving from alpha to beta.
December 9, 2022

Congratulations to 24 CNCF fall term LFX Program mentees!
Staff Post Congratulations to 24 CNCF fall term LFX Program mentees!
We are excited to announce that 24 CNCF interns have successfully completed this term’s LFX  Program! 24 of CNCF’s Graduated, Incubating, and Sandbox projects joined this round with projects including Meshery, WasmEdge, Kyverno, and Vitess. Additional details on...
December 8, 2022

Data Mesh vs Data Fabric: a tale of two new data paradigms
Member Post Data Mesh vs Data Fabric: a tale of two new data paradigms
Guest post originally published on Mia-Platform’s blog Data is one of the most critical components of any business, as it allows us to personalize and customize our products for potential consumers. As important as data is, studies have shown that...
December 8, 2022